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I saw a thread on Memeorandum linking to a ridiculous post, titled Bush, Slave Labor and Arizona, by the founder and Editor of, Mark Karlin. BuzzFlash bills itself as a progressive online community, which probably is why I had not heard of it before,...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: It has been eight days since the Governor of Arizona signed the immigration law. A few tweaks have been made in the wording of the law since then,...

… if you want to be able to continue using terms like Nazi, Communist and Apartheid to describe the new Arizona immigration law. Or if, like President Obama, you want to claim that the law would allow people to be questioned merely for going out...

This whole boycott thing is getting really confusing. California is boycotting Arizona because of the Arizona immigration law. But weren’t we already supposed to be boycotting California because of Prop. 8? Or if not the entire State of California, then at least the counties which...

My appearance on Allen West's podcast: "I think what you have seen is almost other worldly, how students have been captured by these ideologies and are unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints. It's very frightening. It reminds me of the Red Guard in China during the Cultural Revolution. People who are completely intolerant and very aggressive, and people who I think have the capacity for violence."