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Biden’s Divisive Diatribes Week at Legal Insurrection

Biden’s Divisive Diatribes Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Joe Biden is bleeding support from black voters and is reacting by pushing racist narratives.

Meanwhile, the Trump trial resumes this week.

Trump just picked up a potential new donor.

One of the left’s biggest fears.

The media is getting really desperate.

The conflict in Israel continues.

Just vile.

She is the worst.

This was big news.

The border crisis drags on.

Let’s check in on California.

This is so awesome.


Jerry rules.

This is good.

Of course they are.

No one did.

Excellent news.

There are still so many unanswered questions.

Excuse me?


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By all rights, the Democrat/Marxists should get soundly beaten all around the country in November. As much as this doesn’t happen we will know yes they have vote fraud down to a science and or the Cultural Marxists Seminaries are turning out Marxists as fast as possible.

Biden’s Divisive Diatribe’s Week?

How can you limit something that has been taking place over a lifetime to just one week?

The Curmudgeon-in-Chief

BierceAmbrose | May 27, 2024 at 11:30 pm
