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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



I hope we serve as a source of strength and comfort for others. If we achieve that and nothing else, it will have been worth it....

“I've done some dumb things, and I'll do dumb things again. I've done some dumb things as senator, and I've done some dumb things as a lawyer. Ladies and gentlemen, I've been dumb,” then-Sen. Joe Biden said during his failed 1988 presidential campaign over allegations...

Dr. Andrew Bostom: "My 'offense' was not abiding an 'accepted narrative' [regarding Covid] regardless of how warped that narrative was.  Twitter’s behavior, certainly before Elon Musk took ownership of the company, epitomizes the triumphal (for now) anti-scientific, ethical, and legal cretinism of today’s major social...