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In a new video that claims to show some of the Nigerian girls recently kidnapped from a school in Chibok, a purported Boko Haram leader said the girls would only be released if exchanged for militant prisoners in custody. From Agence France-Presse: Boko Haram’s leader...

A roundup of links for your Sunday morning reading. As the NRA has its annual meeting, Piers Morgan couldn’t help himself…via Hot Air, Piers Morgan pro-tip: NRA is really an assassin society for promoting concealed-carry reciprocity, or something While we’re on the topic…From National Review...

U.S. Army paratroopers began arriving in Poland on Wednesday for what will be a series of military exercises to occur in four countries across Eastern Europe as the crisis in Ukraine continues. From CNN: A contingent of U.S. Army paratroopers arrived in Poland on Wednesday, the...

Adding to tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the situation in Ukraine, a Russian fighter jet made numerous close-range passes near a US Navy ship in the western Black Sea over the weekend.  The action came as Ukraine is confronting continuing conflicts with pro-Russian...

Amid ongoing tension in Ukraine, Russia’s president ordered a military drill Wednesday, scheduled to continue until March 3rd. From the NY Times: President Vladimir V. Putin ordered a surprise exercise of ground and air forces on Ukraine’s doorstep Wednesday, intending to demonstrate his country’s military...

Any other “Bs” you can come up with regarding this? Lawmakers unveil massive $1.1 trillion spending bill in bipartisan compromise: Congressional negotiators unveiled a $1.1 trillion funding bill late Monday that would ease sharp spending cuts known as the sequester while providing fresh cash for...

The New York Times says Edward Snowden should be allowed back into the country and given clemency, but the title of the editorial, “Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower” sets the tone for inaccuracy because the term is not legally applicable to Snowden whether you support what he...

Target is my favorite store…so when it came time to bust-out my holiday shopping, using my store debit card and getting 5% discounted was a no-brainer. Sadly, that meant I was left in the security lurch along with 40 million other customers. Law enforcement, including...