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Responding to Georgetown Law cancel culture: "I stand with Ilya on the paramount importance of color-blindness.  And that same principle should apply ... [to] receiving an appointment to the highest court in the land.... And so, if Ilya Shapiro is deserving of cancellation, then you should go ahead and cancel me too."

My WSJ op-ed with Andrew Gutmann "Inside the Woke Indoctrination Machine" has generated enormous attention. Watch excerpts from the training sessions cited in the article, with a lot more to come as part of the project I have launched at Legal Insurrection.

You've probably never heard of NAIS, but you need to know about it. NAIS is the driving force behind the radical racial and gender programming that has captured most K-12 private schools, particularly the elite schools. In coming weeks I will roll out videos and documents shining a light on NAIS' mischief.