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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I'm late to this story, so I'll mostly link to others. Barack Obama tried to bar Fox News from the White House news pool, a move that is unprecedented.I have been sounding the alarm about Obama's intolerant tendencies for a year. I was right.Fortunately, the...


Alan Grayson, Democratic Congressman from Florida, is building his claim to fame on the accusation that 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health insurance. Grayson even has started a website to count the dead. Grayson bases this number on a study released by...

I'm no polling methods expert, but something about automated telephone polls strikes me as strange. Such as this question and method of response:Do you think that Barack Obama loves America?If yes, press 1. If no, press 2. If you’re not sure, press 3.The responses to...

With each passing day, I am becoming more and more convinced that the Obama administration's sustained and crude attacks on Fox News are a big diversion.Sure, the attacks on Fox News are unprecedented in the post-Nixon era. Barack Milhous Obama may not be change we...

Anita MonCrief is an ACORN whistleblower who is facing substantial legal fees to defend lawsuits brought against her by ACORN and its affiliates. A new website has been established to support her, the Anita MonCrief Defense Fund.While you're at it, visit Defend Hannah Giles, the...

The process by which Democratic leaders are strong-arming various groups to coerce support for health care restructuring is a warning sign to all about the abuse of government power which will take place if the Democratic proposals pass.The Democrats shook down the pharmaceutical industry to...

From Chicago-Sun Times columnist Steve Huntley:The White House trying to dictate who's a news organization. Democrats out to gut a business group. Obama media allies damning Americans as racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. Is this the America Obama promised when he campaigned to end the cynical...

The NY Times wants John Corzine, who never met an election he couldn't buy, to defeat Chris Christie in the NJ Governor's race. So the Times is back to its old (never really changed) self, engaging in a hatchet job masquerading as news close to...

When everyone was talking about the Baucus Bill (the Senate Finance Committee proposal), there was no actual Baucus Bill (something I quietly pointed out). Now there is a real Baucus Bill, and it is a whopping 1502 pages. (h/t The Note)The actual Bill was released...

Who would associate with the likes of the two South Carolina Republican county committee leaders (yes, county leaders) who wrote to praise Sen. Jim DeMint:There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking...

The Obama administration has put its hopes of stopping the Iranian nuclear weapons program on negotiations with Iran. At best, Iran has been an unwilling participant, seeking to buy time.I suspect Iran's attitude is about to change for the worse. A suicide bombing took the...

Over a month ago, I was optimistic that President Obama would act decisively on Afghanistan. With each passing week, it grows more clear that I was wrong.White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel signalled today that no decision will be made any time soon on...

On Saturday morning, Barack Obama gave a rip-roarin' speech lashing out at the insurance industry.Obama finally found his mark, a villain he could love to hate. After months of corporate lobbyist wheeler-dealering, in which Obama's minions squeezed advertising dollars out of Big Pharma and others,...

I'm starting a new theme, the Saturday Night Card Game, to highlight the use of the race card as a political tool. Those on the left, lacking meritorious arguments, increasingly turn to false accusations of racism as a way of ending an argument they are...

On January 31, 2009, I wrote that Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran: My prediction: Turkey is the next Iran, unless Obama stops blaming the U.S. for Islamist aggression and gives support to Turkey's secular institutions, including the Turkish army. Jimmy Carter tried the blame...

The Stimulus Plan is the key to Barack Obama's claim that he has helped create and save jobs. But it is all a word game, as indicated by this report released by the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the state's official name), stating...

Barack Obama is on another "it's all Bush's fault" tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush's mess:Another way of putting it is when, you know, I'm busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –-...