Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2616
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Spotted by a reader in Williamson County, TN:  That was then:  "Where was the INS in 1492 When We REALLY Needed Them?This is now:  "God Does Not Make "Illegal" People"--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...


Well, that was quick.  Keith Olbermann will return to MSNBC primetime tomorrow night, after a long weekend off the air, most of which time he would have been off the air regardless.If Olbermann's violation of MSNBC's rules or policies was significant enough to warrant an...

That seems to be the question the media does not want to ask.  Instead, it all is about whether Republicans have taken a government shut down, or at least a refusal to lift the debt ceiling, off the table.This meme has it backwards.The Republicans in...

That's the question being pondered from some fairly thoughtful discussion at American Thinker back in 2008 to some flame throwing from Eric Alterman just recently.I expressed skepticism when a poll was released several months ago showing Jews moving away from Democrats, and while I have yet to...

This will serve as an update to my post last May about the construction of the Big, Unfair House, and the hope that it would be redistributed to me.The construction looks just about completed, at least on the outside.  Mighty fine looking home.Mighty fine, mighty big,...

Not the Israelis, Jewish settlers, or American NeoCons.  No, fellow Arabs, via Israel National News, Arabs Stone Israel Ambulances Trying to Save Arab Boy (h/t):Jerusalem area Arabs once again have stoned two Israeli Magen David ambulances trying to help neighbors. This time, the medical rescue vehicles...

Look, no one recognizes the need to keep spirits high as much as I do.  But at least keep it real, or if not real, at least of this world, or if not of this world, at least of this universe.The award for turning catastrophic...

You've heard of the Peace Train, authored and sung by the person who supported the death sentence against Salman Rusdie.Now meet the Peace Prius.  Hopefully by "Peace," the owner doesn't mean "death to infidels" or "death to SUV owners."Spotted at a service center on the...

In the rush to find "shovel ready" projects at which to throw stimulus money, the feds funded a sidewalk project in Warren, Rhode Island, one town over from where I live.I featured this project in my post in early July, Miles of Sidewalks, and Empty...

And once again, not here.  In Pakistan:At least 65 people were killed Friday afternoon in a suicide bombing at a mosque in northwestern Pakistan filled with worshipers, the latest major terrorist strike on houses of worship in the country.Pakistani television reported that militants also...

The award for the "Least Likely to be True Headline" goes to William Saletan at Slate.com, Pelosi's Triumph:  Democrats didn't lose the battle of 2010. They won it.But least likely does not mean wrong.How could Democrats have won the battle of 2010.  Didn't we just crush...

If Alan Grayson and Al Franken could do it, why not Keith?  Now that he is suspended indefinitely without pay by MSNBC for failing to disclose his campaign contributions to Democrats, Olbermann can become part of the team, instead of just watching from the bleachers.What other...

Spotted by a reader in Raleigh, NC, last week:Update:  CAT FIGHT -  A reader writes:"I thought I'd refudiate that awful bumper sticker you currently have on your blog. Below is a picture of our beloved cat whose full name was George W. Bush Leader of...

Once again I have a seemingly unsolvable dilemma.  If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," which one of these guys has to be my friend?Via Breitbart TV:[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8FipvbDI6E?fs=1]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Greenwald Agonistes Hey Progressives, Are You Motivated Yet?The Left Brought The Wave Down On Itself Follow...

It's a good thing Israel eased the blockade of Gaza a few months ago, otherwise it might not have been able to take out Palestinian al-Qaeda operative Mohamed al-Nemnem, who died on November 3 when his car mysteriously exploded in Gaza, with him in it:The Israeli...