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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In prior posts, I noted that Brown was winning, and then had won, the online war. The statistics reflecting Brown's online momentum also were the subject of a post recently at WordStream Internet Marketing Blog. In just the past two days, the numbers have become...


The Cambridge, Massachusetts police officers association wants to clear up the record. Just because Martha Coakley's husband is a retired Cambridge police officer, a fact which her campaign frequently mentions, they do not want you to think that they actually support Coakley.No, the Cambridge police...

Martha Coakley has hammered Scott Brown relentlessly with the claim that Brown wanted to permit hospitals to deny emergency contraception to rape victims. As Coakley surely knows, that claim is false.I examined the language of Brown's proposed amendment in a prior post. That amendment provided...

This is my fourth and final report of my observations at the Scott Brown campaign headquarters. Once again, I visited the Needham headquarters, the same place as for my first two reports.Here's the bottom line: The place is on political fire.In my first visit on...

Martha Coakley's slap-shots fired at Fenway Park fans and devout Catholics, her vacation in the middle of a special election, her refusal to debate one-on-one, her D.C. lobbyist fundraiser, and her denial that she witnessed the subsequent assault on a reporter, all have people bewildered...

A just released poll by Suffolk University shows Scott Brown leading by 4 points, what the pollster calls a "Brown Out":Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a...

You may have wondered why Mrs. Scott Brown is not on the campaign trail with him, and does not appear in his videos or at his speeches.If you live in Massachusetts, you may know why, but you may not.Mrs. Scott Brown is Gail Huff, a...

Obama's campaign organization has released a 2-minute video in support of Martha Coakley (via Politico).The video is very strange. It is way too long for a television commercial, although the Coakley campaign could edit it. If Obama really wanted to put himself on the line...

On the heels of Martha Coakley's well-publicized comment criticizing Scott Brown for shaking hands with people in the cold outside Fenway Park, Brown has rolled out a new TV ad featuring him doing nothing but shaking hands with people on the street in the cold.[youtube=]Coakley...

The Senate health care bill, which Martha Coakley supports, contains a massive tax on the middle class which will hit union members particularly hard. The tax on so-called "Cadillac" health plans is opposed by organized labor, and could be a big reason why union rank-and-file...

The HillBuzz guys warned that the trolls would come out in full force if it looked like Scott Brown was getting close in the polls:We are writing to you as moderate Democrats who fought for Hillary Clinton all through 2007-2008, then became Democrats for McCain/Palin...

The Massachusetts special election continues to amaze. Democratic candidate Martha Coakley has taken a swipe at Fenway Park fans:Coakley bristles at the suggestion that, with so little time left, in an election with such high stakes, she is being too passive.“As opposed to standing outside...

A hot story today is how a reporter for The Weekly Standard was shoved to the ground by a Martha Coakley campaign worker when the reporter tried to ask Coakley why she was attending a fundraiser with lobbyists.But another part of the story, as pointed...

Martha Coakley attended a lobbyist fundraiser in Washington, D.C. last night, at which she received bundled donations from dozens of health care lobbyists and Washington insiders.Coakley, when questioned about the fundraiser, said that it originally was planned as a unity event:"We planned an event after...

This account of Martha Coakley's reaction to Scott Brown's rise in the polls paints Coakley as a mostly clueless politician (emphasis mine):On a private conference call with DNC chair Tim Kaine and top Dem donors this afternoon, Dem Senate candidate Martha Coakley acknowledged that GOPer...

Rasmussen has released the results of its new polling, and it is a shocker: The Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election has gotten tighter, but the general dynamics remain the same. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney...