Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2578
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


From news reports, it appears that a move is in process in the Wisconsin legislature to pass the collective bargaining reforms separately, and that the Democrats who fled to Illinois are racing back to try to stop it.  So we'll go to a Live Event...


The video sting operation which showed two senior NPR employees, including Ron Schiller, dining with purported members of a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group which was considering a large donation to NPR, is being presented by NPR and its supporters as some sort of horrific surprise.In fact, the contents of...

for the second amendment. "A man who broke into a house in Portland, Oregon, called police -- afraid the homeowner may have a gun." Granted, this doofus sounds like he would have had trouble making his way out of a paper bag. Even so, I...

Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature do not need a 3/5ths quorum to pass non-budgetary legislation.Gov. Scott Walker previously rejected calls to pass the collective bargaining provisions of the budget bill separately.  Walker's reasoning was that while the collective bargaining provisions in isolation may not be budgetary, they...

Just a day after the release of a devastating video of NPR officials dining with a purported Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group for the purpose of soliticing a $5 million donation, and months after the Juan Williams firing, Vivian Schiller, President and CEO of NPR has resigned.NPR...

This is the third in a series of GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science.___________________Handling BiasToday I will discuss ways to handle bias...

If you read this blog, you have heard many tales of woe regarding my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  The state's economy is sinking under the weight of public employee pensions and high taxes.  That's not me talking, that's The NY Times'...

I appeared yesterday as a guest of Mark Carbonaro of KION 1460 in Monterey, California, to talk about the March 3, 2011 decision of Judge Roger Vinson in Florida granting a stay of his prior health care ruling which had held the health care mandate to be...

Today I read in the Journal that Subway has surpassed McDonalds in number of locations worldwide. The Journal article cited the unusual location of some Subway restaurants and left the analysis for the growth of the chain rather open-ended. Perhaps, though, the growth of the...

The Daily Caller has a video filmed by a group run by James O'Keefe in which the President of the NPR Foundation reveals the blatent biases of NPR and puts to rest any claim that NPR's news operation is non-political.O'Keefe's group presented itself to NPR...

This is the second in a series of GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science.___________________Samples & Margin of Error1. Sampling Error Will Always Be There...

Thanks to reader Jason for sending this photo he took near Raleigh, North Carolina, which apparently is almost as fertile bumper sticker hunting grounds as Ithaca (I said "almost"):Oh, and in case you were wondering, we have a Class A hyprocrite behind this wheel:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers...

There is a sentence no one seems to pay attention to in an opinion piece masquerading as reporting  in The NY Times on how Beck and Fox News -- supposedly -- will be parting ways at the end of the year.The rest of the "story" has heartened the left-blogosphere...

Cousin of Michelle Malkin, has disappeared mysteriously in Seattle.Please spread the word, particularly those of you in the Seattle area.Here is the latest news report:Seattle Police say a missing persons detective will be investigating a University of Washington student reported missing Saturday.Relatives say Marizela Perez,...

Christopher Hitchens has really been phenomenal in the past few weeks. In his Vanity Fair April article, he does not disappoint. He mulls over all the revolutions he has seen, and concludes that Egypt is not as poignant as it seems:Neither in exile nor in...

My home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations is as blue a state as they come.  Our entire congressional delegation is Democratic and Democrats control the state legistature.  Democrats outnumber Republicans by 37%, the highest gap in any state (only the District of Columbia has...