Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2577
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


On the anniversary of the Coastal Road Massacre, which I wrote about yesterday, a Palestinian terrorist broke into a Jewish home on the West Bank and stabbed five members of a family, including a one-month old baby, to death while they slept:Five family members were...


I have written about PolitiFact before, includine the clear bias shown by The Providence Journal in its application of ratings during the campaign by former Democratic Mayor David Cicilline against Republican John Loughlin in my home RI-01 District. I also have noted an analysis of...

Today the tragedy in Japan is on the minds of people around the world. This was a terrible tragedy, but it lifts my spirits to see how being in a developed country can dramatically increase the welfare of a group of people in such a...

The failure of Democrats in Wisconsin to stop passage of a budget repair bill, including a scaling back of public sector collective bargaining as to benefits, is being portrayed as a "gift" to Democrats and public sector unions.  The usual suspects are describing Gov. Scott...

Abscam:http://abcnews.go.com/assets/player/walt2.6/flash/SFP_Walt_2_65.swf--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Today marks the anniversary of The Coastal Road Massacre, one of the most notorious PLO terrorist attacks on Israel, in which dozens of Israelis were killed when PLO operatives from Lebanon landed at a beach north of Tel Aviv, and proceeded on a killing spree. ...

The Hill reports that John Cornyn and other Republicans in Washington, D.C. are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run for Senate as a Republican in Florida, GOP woos 'Morning Joe' for Fla. Senate:Republicans in Washington are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run against...

Newt Gingrich has been incredibly brazen in the past few weeks, forming an exploratory committee to help consider his first steps towards a presidential bid in 2012. Yesterday it was reported that "if he runs for president he will make his announcement in early May...

There will be a vote in Wisconsin which will shake the political landscape of the nation.That vote is not today in the Wisconsin Assembly on the bill passed last night in the Senate restricting public employee union collective bargaining.That vote will not be in April, when there are...

A hilarious, smart, and insightful video from ReasonTV that discusses the higher ed. bubble. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

From Rand Paul:And from Britain:I feel refreshed already. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress! ...

Regardless of who emerges as the political winner or loser in Madison, Wisconsin, one thing is clear, law enforcement -- from the Madison police, to the Dane County Sheriff's office, to the Capitol and State police -- have lost credibility as neutral players in this political standoff.Time...

This is the fourth in a series of GUEST POSTS by Matthew Knee, a Ph.D. candidate at Yale University specializing in campaigns and elections, ethnic voting patterns, public opinion, and quantitative and experimental approaches to political science.___________________Today I will provide an overview of the polling situation...