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Even though some meaningful immigration changes could pass Congress, Democrats want full amnesty, and will settle for nothing else.  All other immigration reforms are held hostage to that demand. Unable to move the Republican House on amnesty (yet), the Obama administration has been going it...

Professor Jacobson recently noted that we just celebrated the 5th anniversary of the birth of America’s Tea Party movement. He noted one of the best aspects about his involvement has been the people that he has met during his “insurrection”.  As a citizen activist in...

An attorney for Lois Lerner says the former Internal Revenue Service official still intends to continue to assert her Fifth Amendment rights before the House Oversight committee, despite earlier claims from a top GOP lawmaker Sunday that she would testify this week. Rep. Darrell Issa...

Some patients in California are finding out that once they’ve managed to sign up for a health insurance plan through the state exchange, it still may be difficult to determine whether or not a doctor actually accepts their insurance plan. From the LA Times: After...

Files paperwork to run for Congress

Unsustainable: Scary Chart of the Day Recent Grads Struggle to Find Jobs That Require a Bachelor’s Degree Prediction: How the College Bubble Will Burst Loyola University Trims Deficit by $2 Million Through Faculty Buyouts 2014 Law School Applications Plummet Why Law School Can’t be “Fixed”...

As Americans are recovering from their New Year’s celebrations, it may be time to sober up with a look at some new laws that took effect January 1st. From the Washington Post, some of the more fascinating state rules now in place. …2. Colorado became...