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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Remember, when you hear about how important it is that the next Republican nominee for President have "gravitas," the following have been designed by people with gravitas:The TSA's scanning and groping system.Obamacare.Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the mortgage bubble.Our tax code.Our federal and state...

I have criticized Glenn Greenwald on multiple occasions for playing the dual-loyalty card against American Jewish supporters of Israel.Greenwald uses the phrase "Israel-firsters" and also recently accused Eric Cantor, the incoming Republican Majority Leader in the House, of pledging allegiance to Israel.The charge against Greenwald...

We all have heard of ballots being found in the trunks of cars, and elsewhere during recounts.  In a hotly contested race for the State Senate in New York, Democrats have gone one better, and found two new (and uncounted) voting machines.Traditionally Republican, the State Senate...

I was a guest last Monday of Mark Finkelstein, who writes for NewsBusters, on his Ithaca-based television talk show, The Right Angle.We talked about Legal Insurrection, the elections, the vice-presidential and presidential candidates, and a lot about you know who.   The video is here.   Hopefully...

Once again, Barack Obama is creating a phony crisis to rush a major legislative vote without having done the preliminary legwork to address Republican concerns.Think Stimulus and Obamacare.  This time, it arguably is the most important vote, the Senate ratification of the new START Treaty...

What a whack job.  What kind of idiot would use Grey Poupon to prove a point?  Are you suggesting that only fancy, foreign, John Kerryish types use it?  No real American would use that stuff, right Alan?Sure, sure, you were just joking around to make a...

Your brain:Their brains at TSA:  -------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

As a college student, my Facebook feed has been saturated with complaints about the recent discontinuation of "Four Loko," an alcoholic drink which is sold in 23.5-ounce cans containing 12% alcohol by volume. The combination is now illegal following several reports of underage drinkers...

The GM stock offering is being hailed as a huge success by the Obama administration:President Barack Obama says General Motors' plan to sell stock marks a major milestone not only in the turnaround of that iconic company, but of the U.S. auto industry as a whole....

I have written several times before about the controversial nomination of John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. to an open federal court seat in Rhode Island.  It appears that Democrats will use the lame duck session to force through McConnell's nomination, which has been stalled for...

And I'm sure he hates it too.I agree with John Cole of Balloon-Juice about the Willow Palin Facebook brush fire, Count Me Out:Yes, Willow Palin said something stupid on her facebook page. Big deal. She’s sixteen, and most of the time when a sixteen year...

This is good news beyond belief.  The faces of 2010 will be the faces of 2012.  Via CBS News:Nancy Pelosi has been elected to lead House Democrats in the new Congress despite presiding over the loss of more than 60 House seats in the midterm...

This weekend, I found myself in San Francisco International Airport for a long weekend in the Bay Area. After a pleasant weekend, and then a wait in an egregiously long line, I found myself in one of the famed full body scanners, the subject of...

S.E. Cupp writing in The Daily News today, Sarah Palin's happiness is what really irks liberals:William A. Jacobson, writing at Legal Insurrection Blog, October 31, 2008, Why Do They Hate Sarah Palin So Much? She's Happy:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

In response to my post calling out leftist Jewish bloggers for stoking charges of dual loyalty againt American Jewish supporters of Israel, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters (one of the bloggers mentioned in my post) tweets that I'm just a tribalist:Pathetic.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook,...