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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Daniel Day-Lewis has confirmed that he will play the role of Abraham Lincoln in the upcoming biopic of the sixteenth President. The film will be directed by Steven Spielberg and is based on the book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I'm not the...


Welcome back, old friend.  What took you so long?Taken by reader Rachel yesterday in the parking lot of Town of Clarkstown City Hall, Rockland County, just north of NYC.The good news?  Someone is willing to wear such a bumper sticker.The bad news?  I don't know if we...

I was too busy voting for her to watch the performance.  I really want Bristol to win, so that Sally Quinn has a full blown conniption:My favorite story is that of 67-year-old Steven Cowan who couldn't stand it another minute and blasted his TV with...

One of my theories is that the best chance to defeat Obama in 2012 is to make the election about Obama, not about the Republican candidate.  The Obama record is so abysmal, and the Obama aura so shattered, that 2012 could be a repeat of...

The recent November elections had a heavy focus on conservative fiscal policy and an emphasis on cutting "big government spending." In light of this, "[Sen. Claire] McCaskill and fellow Democrat Sen. Mark Udall (Colo.) recently teamed up with Republican Sens. Tom Coburn (Okla.) and John...

I cannot begin to tell you how much it sickens me that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group I supported many years ago because of its work against the Klan, has become a key player in labeling legitimate conservative political and religious groups as "hate groups."I have...

One of the mysteries of political life is why the Democrats insist on playing class warfare even though the tactic has not worked in multiple elections (Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, the November mid-terms) since Obama's election.A study, Inequality and the Dynamics of Public Opinion: The Self-Reinforcing...

As a disclaimer, I promise this is my last post on the TSA.Senator Jay Rockefeller, a champion of the freedom of expression, has joined the ranks of bureaucratic geniuses who believe the TSA is the bee's knees.* TSA chief John Pistole received assurance from the...

The Washington Post reports on the U.N. investigation into the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harriri, which appears headed towards a year-end indictment of several Hezbollah senior members.The article, based on documents obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Company, notes how cell phone records...

The person who blogs for TSA to help explain supposed public misconceptions about various screening incidents, goes by the name "Blogger Bob."Don't worry, Blogger Bob tells, us, all is well.  Nothing to see here, move along.  Here is Blogger Bob's explanation for the video of...

There has been so much written about the outrages by TSA agents during screenings, that I won't belabor the details.  In a nation already revolting at the ballot box against overly intrusive government, the prospect of having your junk fondled out of bureaucratic inflexibility and political correctness is feeding...

I've always been skeptical about the Coexist and Tolerance bumper stickers.  Oh, I'm sure some of the drivers mean it, but most probably are just for show, a perfunctory statement of political correctness by people who really don't value any of the religions shown.  Finally, I've...

Within the next week, Governor Rendell of Pennsylvania has been given the choice to sign Pennsylvania House Bill no. 1926 into law. The bill expands upon the existing "castle-doctrine" or the ability to use one's firearms in self-defense in their home. Here is the language...

I'll leave it to others to analyze the legal grounds for the TRO obtained by Sarah Palin and her publisher against the execrable people at Gawker.These are, after all, the same people who went after Meg Whitman's kids and bragged about it, who ran the "one-night stand" hit piece on...

Did you hear, all that talk about being fiscally conservative really is just a Cloward-Piven strategy in reverse.  Rather than overwhelming the system with debt, entitlements, welfare by another name, and dependence upon government, conservatives are seeking to underwhelm the system.With a usual flair for the dramatic, Steve...

Taken by a reader on Halloween 2010 in Greenville, NC.So does mocking people who go to church qualify as "tolerance"?  Or am I misunderterpretting the message?Next question.  Does the owner of this car, which was photographed by the same reader near the store in the first...