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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Another rush of legislation, taxes, budget, and a host of social agenda items.We've seen this bad movie before.  It resulted in Stimulus, and the Christmas Eve Obamacare vote last year.And it appears to be happening again.This lame duck Congress has no political legitimacy to pass...


Via ABC News:The website and personal credit card information of former Gov. Sarah Palin were cyber-attacked today by Wikileaks supporters, the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate tells ABC News in an email.Hackers in London apparently affiliated with “Operation Payback” – a group of supporters of...

I take offense to MoDo's PDS hyperbole:Sarah’s view of America is primitive. You’re either a pointy-headed graduate of Harvard Law School or you’re eviscerating animals for fun, which she presents as somehow more authentic.I'm the former, but not the latter, yet.  But the two absolutely are...

Mario Vargas Llosa, the most recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, addressed a crowd in Stockholm during his Nobel Lecture yesterday. The transcript is worth reading, but here is one part I found to be particularly lovely:"Let those who doubt that literature not...

The tax framework is falling apart, as a substantial number of Democrats and a few Republicans start taking shots at various provisions unrelated to marginal tax rates.Once again, Obama has chosen complexity for the sake of complexity, a lot of moving parts and social engineering.There...

One of the interesting aspects of the "framework" announced by Obama to prevent marginal income tax increases on anyone is that part of the quid pro quo demanded by Obama was a one-year 2% drop in the portion of social security (FICA) taxes paid by...

They huff, and they puff, and they threaten to blow Obama's house down.Not the right-wingers, the left-wing "base" of the Democratic Party.  Dick Durbin is threatening that a bloc of Democrats may "walk out" on Obama by voting against his tax deal.  Mary Landrieu calls the...

Sometimes you stumble upon a news story that is so absurd it makes you question your hope for the world. Today, I found one of those. An Egyptian official believes that Israel's intelligence agency might be behind the fatal shark attack of a German tourist in...

Imagine my surprise when I saw the Memeorandum headline Joe Biden / Washington Post - Obama: On The Way To A Failed Presidency?:Could it be?  Another Biden gaffe?  And in The Washington Post, of all places.Nah, just a screw up by Memeorandum's algorithm.  The op-ed actually...

Sent to me by a reader as a potential "Video of the Day" candidate, but deserves its own post. As a youthful Zappa fan, I enjoyed this very much. The "I'm a conservative" statement comes at 3:15. I didn't realize until I graduated high school that...

I am saddened that Elizabeth Edwards' cancer has reached the point that treatment no longer is an option.Whatever her politics, she didn't deserve the cards she was dealt in life by an unscrupulous husband and disease.I wish her well in her final months.Update 5:48 p.m.: ...

If Barack Obama had his way, taxes would be up across the board.  Most obviously for the job creators in the form of higher marginal income tax rates, but also for everyone in the form of a health care mandate, energy taxes, increases in capital gains...

I am "honored" to have been asked by BigFurHat to be the judge of the PUK Award at iOwnTheWorld.This IS an honor, right?Do you think I made a mistake in giving him my social security and bank account numbers, and passwords?  He said it was...

I was born in 1990. Therefore, for most of my life, I have had to live under the veil of Hillary Clinton as "every girl's role model." Clinton is undoubtedly very smart and talented. After all, you don't get into Wellesley or Yale Law school...

If there were any doubt that WikiLeaks is not about open government, but giving aid and comfort to enemies of the U.S., then the latest release of a State Department document listing facilities vital to U.S. security ends any doubt.  The document is described by the...

Spotted in Ithaca:--------------------------------------------Related Post:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesCome and Get Your Legal Insurrection Bumper StickerFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Robert Stacy McCain has a hilarious post about being threatened by the lawyer for someone no one has ever heard of because McCain questioned whether that no one really knew someone else no one has ever heard of.How many nobodies does it take to result...