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Hot off the presses: After Scott Brown’s victory, the only thing that could top this would be for Nancy Pelosi to announce that she doesn’t have the votes in the House to pass Harrycare. Hey, you can’t take away my dreams. Update: OMG, dreams really...

… that we no longer will be all Scott Brown all the time. Mission has been accomplished. We will resume our regularly scheduled almost all Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi almost all the time coverage, already in progress. ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter and...

While Democrats of all stripes are taking pot shots at each other over Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, others are preparing to make sure the next Scott Brown is smeared before he or she can get traction. Martha Coakley’s many gaffes were of her own...

If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, what to do when two political enemies go at each other. This would make them both my friends, which screws up the equation. That’s the way I feel watching Lanny Davis and “The Left” go at...

Yesterday was an amazing day, and not just because Scott Brown won (although that helped). Yesterday was the first “live” blogging event here. 21,432 people participated in the live event, generating 5,402 reader comments. There were almost 70,000 visits to the site, which used to...

From the political scientist who passes off insult as analysis, came this snark directed at me for my analysis of the January 5, 2010 Rasmussen Poll which ignited interest in this race: The fact that even the polling firm most favorable to the GOP has...

Another in the “how do they think this stuff up” category. Guess who were the biggest losers in the Massachusetts Senate special election yesterday. The people of Bangladesh, according to Matthew Yglesias: Who’s going to gain and who’s going to lose if Scott Brown becomes...

CNN Audience Interaction Producer Eric Kuhn is all over this election, a step ahead of the rest of us, GOP candidate dominates social networking in Massachusetts: On the eve of the Massachusetts special election Tuesday to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the Republican candidate...

Because it’s not the hand of one of those truck-driving Fenway Park fans: (Image via NY Times) ——————————————– Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

Current Weather Forecast for Boston, Tuesday, January 19, 2010: Tuesday…Cloudy. A chance of snow showers in the morning…then a chance of rain showers in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 30s. South winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Is that cold enough...

Yesterday, Blue Mass Group posted a misleadingly edited interview with Scott Brown in which Brown, when questioned, said he didn’t know if Barack Obama’s mother was married when Obama was born. That expression of lack of knowledge has led to full meltdown in the left-wing...

If this is true, I may owe the NRSC an apology: In mid-December, the National Republican Senatorial Committee conducted a poll that showed Brown trailing by only 13 points, but it kept the results to itself. Coakley continued operating on the assumption that for all...

The left-wing blogs have been so completely overrun in the Brown-Coakley campaign that they have resorted to making up a phony “birther” controversy in an attempt to gin up a controversy before Tuesday. Blue Mass Group has released a very tightly edited 15-second clip of...

Martha Coakley flopping gaffe of the day, as reported by the Boston Herald: Shipping giant UPS isn’t amused by a Democratic Party campaign pamphlet attacking Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown that plays off the company’s slogan “What can Brown do for you?” Atlanta-based United Parcel...

In prior posts, I noted that Brown was winning, and then had won, the online war. The statistics reflecting Brown’s online momentum also were the subject of a post recently at WordStream Internet Marketing Blog. In just the past two days, the numbers have become...

Martha Coakley has hammered Scott Brown relentlessly with the claim that Brown wanted to permit hospitals to deny emergency contraception to rape victims. As Coakley surely knows, that claim is false. I examined the language of Brown’s proposed amendment in a prior post. That amendment...

This is my fourth and final report of my observations at the Scott Brown campaign headquarters. Once again, I visited the Needham headquarters, the same place as for my first two reports. Here’s the bottom line: The place is on political fire. In my first...