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Take your pick of the name to call the apparent Democratic Party plan to pass the Senate health care bill by not voting on it. Democrats plan to use a procedure where a separate reconciliation bill, which would be subject to a vote, would contain...

Nancy Pelosi, Robert Gibbs and David Axelrod claim it’s over, they have the votes. Just about everyone else, including some Democrats in the House, say it ain’t so yet. We cannot believe anything that comes from the mouths of Democratic leaders and consultants; it all...

Eric Massa has issues. So does The Other Eric: Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t tell the Senate Judiciary Committee about seven Supreme Court amicus briefs he prepared or supported, his office acknowledged in a letter Friday, including two urging the court to reject the Bush...

I understand that some people were upset when Scott Brown voted for the $15 billion “jobs” bill in February. Brown’s voting for cloture on the $140 billion spending bill earlier this week, although he voted against the bill on the merits, also was worrisome (although...

The Obama administration has gone over the edge, and as we know from Eric Massa (formerly D-NY), all the way into the shower. The thought of a naked Rahm Emanuel confronting an equally naked Massa in the showers at Congress over a vote is too...

This would have been even more insulting if the photo sequence were reversed: ——————————————–Related Posts:You Don’t Know What You’ve Got ‘Till It’s GoneWe Lost The Olympics Because of BushRemember Bush Coup Talk?Bush Hid Ice Images From People Who Can’t Use GoogleShocking Lack of Respect Follow...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Craig Crawford announced on his blog that he is leaving MSNBC because he is sick and tired of being a “cartoon player for lefty games” demanded of him...

Obama is willing to be honest with his “progressive” base behind closed doors. The Senate health care bill plus some reconciliation fixes is just the start. The goal always has been a single payer system, and it remains so. As soon as the Senate bill...

A deranged professor killed several fellow professors. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection. A census worker was killed under mysterious circumstances. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though...

Probably the single biggest obstacle to Obamacare is House Democrats who do not like the Senate health care bill, but whose votes are needed to move the budget reconciliation process along. The strategy appears to be for the House to pass the Senate bill as...

If she had stuck to her original plan, I might have joined. ——————————————– Related Post: Coffee Party Parasites Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

The New York Times and Washington Post are promoting a group called the “Coffee Party” organized by filmmaker Annabel Park. The Coffee Party is a political parasite which presents itself as something it is not. As reported in the NY Times [see update below], Park...

The Democrats have the votes to use budget reconciliation not only to pass Obama’s health care proposal as outlined just prior to the health care summit, but also possibly to add in a public option – or so the messengers would have you believe. There...

Also known as Israel Apartheid Week, scheduled for March 1-14 (what don’t these malicious idiots understand about “week”?). This is the time of the year when the internationalists, selectively outraged NGO “human rights” activists, Islamists, progressive journalists, leftist academics, self-hating Jews, and Palestinian terror apologists...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: This is the first post in this series to focus on the use of the race card by both sides of a dispute, call it “race card v....

Just when you thought it was over: With speculation mounting that US Representative William D. Delahunt will not seek reelection, Joseph P. Kennedy III, son of the former congressman and great-grandson of the Kennedy family patriarch, is eyeing a run to succeed him in the...