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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I was afraid this would happen. Drawn into the Blago saga once again, unable to resist now that the jury just finished its 8th day of deliberations without a verdict.  The Chicago Sun-Times' Blago Blog reports: Rod Blagojevich's jury ends day 8 of their discussions. The panel of 11 women...


Your candidate is getting the predictable Palin-treatment, but of course, you have so pissed off Palin supporters, you deal with it.  After all, you are a serious campaign consultant. Michele Bachmann's Holy War, at Rolling Stone, has this image accompanying the article, which says pretty much all...

Via the Iranian Fars News Agency: Iranian Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said that his ministry has provided the country's state and private firms and organizations with the necessary security instructions and measures to confront possible cyber attacks. "The intelligence ministry has notified the different bodies of the...

Newt's campaign has its troubles. But there's no reason to pile on Newt because of the Tiffany's credit line story.  That's just how the media does it; what difference does it make how he spends his money as long as it's legal, nothing that touches on...

The demographic argument against Israel is overstated. Contrary to what commonly is believed, the non--Jewish population in the West Bank is not growing so rapidly that Israel's Jewish majority is threatened: Respected Israeli demographer Yoram Ettinger wisely warns: "Beware of Palestinians Bearing Demographic Numbers." His data indicate that...

Sent by reader Thomas, who writes: Took this at Redwood National Park on Saturday.  I'm actually from Porland OR and sent the Hybrid Bumper sticker picture before.  Notice on the picture of Pres. Obama standing at the podium (passenger side taillight) "missing" the American flag.Don't jump...

There was a time long ago, in December 2008 soon after this blog was founded, that this blog was almost all Blagojevich all the time, and the keeper of The Official Guide to Blagojevich Blogs .  (What made it "Official"? You'll have to read the post to...

I posted yesterday about my suspicions that Netroots Nation 2012 was scheduled for Providence, RI, a small convention market (and near my home in RI) in order to keep RightOnline away by booking almost all the major convention space and hotel rooms. Netroots Nation has been...

It is with sadness that I read of the passing of Yelena Bonner, the wife of Andrei Sakharov, at age 88 in Boston.  The story is at CIF Watch, Yelena Bonner - Courageous Jewish Leftist: I have read several obits for Yelena Bonner, who died in...

The pool of Republican candidates just keeps growing, and voters are beginning to vet stances and pick sides. In an economy burdened by a $14.4 trillion debt and over 9% unemployment, Americans want someone new at the helm who can turn this sinking ship around....

Via HotAir via WaPo comes news that Michele Bachmann "reportedly" ordered Ed Rollins to apologize to Sarah Palin for the nasty remarks Rollins threw Palin's way his first day on the job as a senior Bachmann campaign advisor. I've been busy the past few days with the...

When I learned earlier today that Netroots Nation 2012 was going to be in Providence, I joked that I would be holding a party at my house. On second thought, maybe there is more to the selection of Providence than meets the eye. There is no real...

Or is it "takes off"?  Whatever, two of my favorite bloggers, Dan Collins and Joy McCann, have launched The Conservatory: The Conservatory is meant to be a lot more than a news-aggregation site: it’s intended to provide free-market types with a sense of community, which can be...

So says E.J. Dionne in The Washington Post, arguing that voter i.d. laws and limitations on early voting will suppress the Democratic Party vote and disenfranchise minorities: An attack on the right to vote is underway across the country through laws designed to make it more difficult...

I am pleased that Katie Thompson will be doing some guest posts here,  starting with a post about Rick Perry.   Katie expands the geographical diversity of the university blogging team of Kathleen, Matt and Mike.  Katie is entering her senior year at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas.  Katie already...