How about he gives us his plan today?
Maybe he should stop issuing demands. That would help. How about he gives us his plan today? Via Politico: ...
Maybe he should stop issuing demands. That would help. How about he gives us his plan today? Via Politico: ...
A frequent commenter quoted this post by Erick Erickson at RedState: A week ago, the United States House of Representatives sent a bipartisan measure to the United States Senate where it fell five votes short of a majority. Today, John Boehner sent over legislation that couldn’t even...
I saw this ad on a Frank Luntz focus group segment last night on Hannity. The lines for both Democrats and Republicans went through the roof. ...
Senate just voted to table the Boehner bill. No surprise, but the vote was 59-41, which means some Republicans voted to table it. (Added, the Republican votes to table were DeMint, Hatch, Lee, Graham, Vitter, Paul,) Claire McCaskill is complaining the Mitch McConnell told Harry Reid...
The third version of the Boehner bill just passed the House. (218-210, 22 Republicans voted against, no Democrats voted for.) We are on the verge of a significant -- although not very satisfying or triumphal -- achievement. Now Harry Reid gets to do what he does best. The Senate...
I've posted before about nationwide redistricting gains by Republicans including in North Carolina. When you hear Democrats gripe how unfair this is, keep in mind California, where Democrats are likely to gain seats: The California Citizens Redistricting Commission approved new district lines Friday, setting off what is...
I received this note from a loyal reader: Tomorrow the family and I leave for a computer-free week at Cape May Point, NJ so I will be undergoing withdrawal from Legal Insurrection. There's no need to go through withdrawal. You can subscribe to posts via e-mail: Get Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion...
He just can't help himself. He can't get out of campaign mode. After his absurd "I'm Mr. Reaonsable" speech earlier today, his campaign has taken to Twitter urging his supports to send tweets to Republicans in Congress: This is laughable and childish. But it's what passes for...
As it looks now, a revised Boehner bill will get a vote this afternoon and is likely to pass. In yesterday's flash poll, here's how the vote broke down on what the House does next: I voted for the last option, do nothing until the Senate passes...
Obama just gave his speech on the status of the debt ceiling negotiations, and endorses some version of McConnell and Reid plans. Calls Boehner bill something that will not become law because does not extend debt ceiling beyond election. Calls for "bipartisan compromise" and calls on people to...
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As part of the continuing attempt to blame the "right wing blogosphere" for the shooting and bombing in Norway, two Norwegians take to the pages of The NY Times (h/t Left Coast Rebel) to decry the cabal of right wing bloggers and other supposed Islamophobes. Notice how easily...
The failure last night to pass the so-called Boehner bill was a mistake. I hope it will be corrected today. I don't disparage the intentions of the 25 or so who were not willing to vote for the bill. In fact, I agree with them as...
You probably paid for this, one way or another. Spotted in Ithaca: ...
Supposedly the bill will come to a vote tonight in the House, and Harry Reid plans to kill it soon after. Why doesn't the House just wait until the morning to move it over to the Senate (help here, can the House sit on it overnight...
The latest talking point on the left is that Speaker Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling by $1 trillion with a roughly equitable amount of cuts is a “temporary,” “short term,” or a “band-aid” solution and, while the bill may not even reach the...
Couldn't resist the post title. Via L.A. Times: San Francisco residents will not be voting in November on whether to prohibit circumcision after all, according to a tentative ruling by a Superior Court judge made public Wednesday. Judge Loretta M. Giorgi ordered the city’s director of elections to...
Harry Reid, still reeling from his failure to kill the surge in Iraq, is planning to kill the Boehner bill tonight if the bill passes the House today (update -- as of 4:30 not clear the bill will pass the House): "Today the House of Representatives will...