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You don’t get more “progressive” than the Political Animal column at Washington Monthly, which has seen such luminaries as Steve Benen (now Rachel Maddow’s blogger) grace its pages. In a column yesterday, Samuel Knight took Elizabeth Warren to task for voting in favor of corporate...

Thomas K. Brown, a banking industry analyst and investor, writing at, makes a point similar to what I made in my post, Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery, that Warren’s Banking Committee YouTube performance was pure political grandstanding without substance or legitimate regulatory purpose. As with...

It’s hard to believe it’s only been about three weeks since we launched The goal was, and remains, to bring together in one place the wealth of research conducted during the Senate campaign by numerous blogs and newspapers on Elizabeth Warren’s background, and then to update and...

In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that...

I think they’re in looooove. They’re calling her “Wonder Warren” because — wait for it — she asked a government agency for more information because she suspected it was obfuscating and not being straight with the public!  Because no Senator or Congressman ever has done that before:...

Think the unthinkable.  Left-wing bloggers are: “[Webb] would also be the perfect candidate for vice president in 2016 with Elizabeth  Warren, which would allow the Dems to build again, not from ’60s nostalgia, but  from original new strengths. And so are mainstream liberal publications. It’s...

We are pleased to announce the launch of Elizabeth Warren Wiki (, the most comprehensive source of information and documentation with regard to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth A. Warren. The site originally was conceived, days before the 2012 election, as The Elizabeth Warren File, a place...

Via Boston Herald, Liz won’t beat drum: Despite repeated claims she is “proud” of her Cherokee heritage, newly minted U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is keeping that pride under wraps and won’t be taking advantage of a chance to officially list herself as the Bay State’s...

In my post yesterday, Elizabeth Warren Wikipedia page ethnically cleansed, I noted that the lengthy explanation of Elizabeth Warren’s false claim to be Cherokee had been almost entirely purged from Warren’s Wikipedia page. My post set off some pretty vigorous debate among editors at Wikipedia. One...

It’s coming, really, it is. Just not by January 3, as hoped. Figure later in January. We’ve had an epiphany as to design that will require some more work. Better to be a little late and great, than a little early and not so great....