Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2489
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


... teleprompter (language warning).  No really, they did: NBC12 has uncovered one of those stories that makes you think: "How in the world does that happen?!"  A truck filled with President Obama's podiums and audio equipment was stolen in Henrico just days before his visit to...


Among the numerous College Know It All Hippie fallacies common in the #OWS movement is the apparent association between having wealth and supporting capitalistic or pro-business policies.  It is true that to a point, wealthier individuals are more Republican than poorer ones in their voting...

The initial phase of the prisoner exchange for the freedom of Gilad Shalit is completed.  This interview was broadcast on Egyptian TV, as described in The Jerusalem Post: Schalit, who seemed shocked and distressed, was asked a number of questions by an Egyptian reporter, including how...

Thanks to reader Brian who writes: Enjoy your blog very much, professor. Saw this brave motorist parked in Arlington, VA. Top left - "I would rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job" Top right - "OBAMA Impeach him" ...

considering that I finished high skool before the creashion of the U.S. Deparment of Edjukation in 1980. If there were federal mandates, bureaucracies, and of course, No Child Left Behind, when I was in skool ...

Saturday was to be a nationwide turnout for the Occupy Wall Street movement, with large protests across the land.  From media coverage which portrays the movement as growing, one would have expected a large turnout, at least as large as the April 15, 2009 Tax...

As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st...

Victor Davis Hanson (h/t Instapundit) writes of those who were skeptical of Obama: The skeptics of 2008 proved prescient; those who demonized them should be embarrassed. I was a skeptic from Day 1: Obama may be a post-racial healer, or he may be someone who carefully uses race and false...

Oprah's worth $1.5 billion.  Think how many struggling artists that could feed. Shakina Nayfack, featured in The Daily News complaining about his student debt, made the following comment in response to my post Another Occupy Wall Street poster child who is not: ...

They thought they'd never end, they'd sing and dance forever and a day, they'd live the life they choose, they'd dream and never lose, for they were young and sure to have their way. Spotted near my house in Ithaca: And yes, I will choose to use this opportunity to play for the...

I did not watch Herman Cain on the various news shows, but Memeorandum is relatively quiet, so I assume there were no major gotchas. Definitely get the sense the Occupy protests are getting uglier, not better.  The cream is not rising to the top, it's the...

In seven months, foie gras is going to be banned by California. The impetus for the bill was, of course, animal rights activists who claim that the fattened goose or duck liver promotes cruelty to animals. Naturally, chefs are fighting back and planning types of...

Scrolling through The Daily News' live blog of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square yesterday, this photo and caption jumped out at me: Student loan debt a hot topic among Times Sq. crowd. "Student loans screwed up my credit!" one protester screamed while Shakina Nayfack,...

about visualizing world peace and Obama. Spotted in Ithaca on my way home from the Occupy Ithaca rally: ...

In many ways, it's worse than I originally thought, now that the names officially have been released. In addition to the planners of the Sbarro Pizza bombing, about which I blogged earlier, the releasees include the planners of many other high profile bombings, terrorist attacks which...