Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2488
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I participated in a debate last night at Cornell sponsored by Students for Education Reform to encourage an exchange of ideas on education policy. I was on the libertarian panel, which was wedged between the College Democrats and Republicans. It was a fairly heated debate: “Libertarians...


Sometime in the past day or two we passed 2000 registered users. About three months after the new blog landed safely. Phase 2 is coming, I promise. Previous entries: The 500, The 1000....

Frank Luntz did a focus group on Hannity last night regarding the Las Vegas debate.  The group confirmed my view that Newt is rising. I can't find a video of it, but NewsMax has a partial transcript.  The group found that Newt won the debate hands down,...

There are conflicting reports, as detailed in the live updates at The Telegraph. Updates:  I'll wait a bit before updating the headline, but it appears he's dead (photo at The Telegraph link). DEBKAFile says he's dead, killed in NATO airstrike near his hometown of Sirte. PJTatler has al-Jaeera...

You know the trick, Obama's an expert at it.  Create a straw man argument by presenting extreme choices, in order to make one of the choices seem like the only reasonable choice.  It's also called being a "shorter," in internet parlance. Nicholas Kristof of The NY Times is...

Amidst news about Wall Street bonuses and fat-cat corruption, I'm sure it will go uncovered that Washington has finally eclipsed Silicon Valley as the wealthiest U.S. metropolitan area: "Lobbyists play a prominent role in the Washington economy. In 2010 there were 12,964 registered lobbyists, with most working...

Via Jerusalem Post:  A would-be Palestinian suicide bomber freed by Israel in the prisoner swap for soldier Gilad Schalit told cheering schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip the day after her release on Wednesday she hoped they would follow her example. "I hope you will walk the same...

Crain's New York has an article detailing how Occupy Wall Street and union protesters are taking the fight to the personal lives of executives who oppose them by disrupting their ability to go to restaurants and other day-to-day activities. As the Occupy Wall Street movement has...

My assessment of the Vegas debate remains the same at the top of the ticket, Perry won by exceeding expectations.  There were some negatives to his performance, such as the issue of Romney's lawn care company hiring illegals, which even if it was worth a...

Not going to "live blog" but will have some observations. END GAME: Perry the winner not because he was so much better than the others, but because he was so much better than he was previously.  He may have revitalized his campaign tonight.  Cain was damaged, but...

There are two major organizations in the Jewish community tasked with certifying people, things, and movements as anti-Semitic or not: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Simon Wiesenthal Center/Museum(s) of Tolerance.  Sometimes, they differ, owing largely to the fact that the ADL's leaders vote Democrat...

Yes, Michele you should have done a Google search before hiring Ed Rollins (NYT via NRO via HotAir): She said critical comments Mr. Rollins made to reporters after stepping aside were dismaying. “When it comes to personnel issues, I act professionally and respectful of former employees,” she...

Today marks fifty years since a massacre swept the streets --- not in the maghreb region of north Africa, but in the streets of Paris:  A number of events were held on Monday to remember the violent deaths of up to several hundred anti-war demonstrators in...

I was surprised to go to The Providence Journal website today and to see an announcement that ProJo had built a new website with a new url. (no longer projo.com but providencejournal.com) and a paywall: The Providence Journal news organization is moving to the paid eEdition to...