Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2484
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I get Presseurope, a roundup of translated opinion pieces from the EU, sent to my email. For the most part, the newsletter is incredibly informative. For instance, I had no idea that someone could honestly think that the Greeks deserved pity...


It's all about the natural gas and Erdogan's ego: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan described offshore gas drilling by estranged ally Israel and Cyprus as "madness" on Wednesday, raising the stakes in a confrontation over potentially huge deposits in the eastern Mediterranean...

Thanks to reader Heather, who writes: Seen on a parked Prius in Sister Bay, WI Oh, the comments I could make! In a follow up e-mail, Heather wrote: In forgot to tell you; on the other side of the bumper was the obligatory "coexist" bumper sticker! Comments, why comments about...

I haven't posted about the Twitter and blog war which broke out over a clip of Mike Tyson trash talking Sarah Palin in very explicit and violent sexual ways, although I did spotlight Dan Riehl's post about it as Post of the Day. The controversy is...

and I wish he was right. The fledgling candidate announced in Iowa that he is going to propose a newer Contract with America:  It “will be 10 times deeper and more comprehensive than 1994,” he told an audience of about 40 people Monday night in Council Bluffs....

The Sacramento Bee reports that the Ron Paul campaign cut a $26,000 check to fund most of Ron Paul's votes in the recent California Straw poll at the California Republican Party convention.  Participation cost around $100 per vote, and Paul won with 374 votes. Good.  The...

I gave a talk last night at the Cornell Club of New York City in Manhattan.  The topic was the Tea Party Movement, and the thesis was: Professor Jacobson will argue that the Tea Party movement has been among the most influential and most positive forces...

Thanks to reader Megan, who took this photo a few days agao in Pigeon Forge, TN: ...

one op-ed today, I hope it is Mary O'Grady's column in the Wall Street Journal: "Big Labor's Yanqui Imperialism." On the face of it, the National Labor Relations Board's effort to block a new Boeing plant slated for the right-to-work state of South Carolina seems like...

Today marks the launch of ChoiceMedia.tv, the news hub of school choice activism in the U.S. I'm really excited to see the site under the direction of Bob Bowdon, director of The Cartel Movie and contributor to the Onion News Network. Hopefully, the site will provide a...

BlueCheddar is a Wisconsin "progressive" website that posted a video confession by an anti-Republican stalker who poured beer over a Republican legislator. The stalker has been charged with disorderly conduct, but the conduct potentially was a felony battery under Wisconsin Statutes 940.20(4): (4) Battery to public officers. Whoever intentionally causes...

I came across an interesting post this morning on the Journal's Numbers Guy blog. I think we all have a tendency to think of al Qaeda as a large force, certainly they've been difficult to track down, but how big is the organization? From the print...