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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Chris Cillizza's The Fix blog at The Washington Post presents itself as a political reporting blog, not an advocacy blog.  It purports to be journalism in a blog format. That distinction in the mainstream media, of course, really doesn't exist in the newsroom or the blog...


I was in the car this morning when I heard on the news that Barney Frank was retiring and would not run for re-election. Obviously there is a lot of snark which could be thrown around, but this represents a bigger deal than Barney.  As more...

Edward Jay Epstein wrote an extremely interesting piece on the day that the US became acquainted with DSK's name. Important parts of the piece that a lot of outlets left out: What took place between DSK and the maid in those six to seven intervening minutes is a...

Early last week I started a fundraising drive and also alerted readers to the opportunity to help this blog by shopping online via Amazon, Target and the other stores on the Shopping Page.  I appreciate the support of readers. In case you were in a Turkey-induced...

Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann (as well as many Mitt supporters in the media) have been distorting Newt Gingrich's position on immigration as one favoring "amnesty." Via The Shark Tank, here is a video where Newt explains his immigration policy.  I believe it's a fully acceptable...

Another photo from Linda taken at the Costco parking lot in Nashville, TN, which apparently is to bumper stickers what the Georges Bank is to fish. ...

Like I said Friday, the fuse has been lit.  I think it's too late for Assad to put it out without a major blow up. Now the Arab League, in an unprecedented move, has imposed economic sanctions on Syria, including travel bans on senior officials and...

The only reason, the only reason, the only reason anyone pays any attention to David Frum is that he is the mainstream media's "useful conservative," someone who screams about the crazy Republican Party and Tea Party movement. He is worse than a carnival barker, because a...

Newt Gingrich has picked up the endorsement of New Hamsphire's largest newspaper, the conservative Manchester Union Leader. This newspaper endorses Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next...

Some scary warnings out there, as reported by The Telegraph: As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an   international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up   of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible. Diplomats are preparing to help Britons...

and I'm not even Christian.  In fact, it annoys me when people refuse to say it.  And please say Happy Hanukkah to me, not Happy Time When You Light All Those Candles For Some Reason. Another one from Linda in Tennessee, found in her favorite bumper sticker...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: As you know, I support Newt Gingrich. But you also know that I have a policy of uniting behind any Republican candidate who comes under false attack from Democrats and Obama...

NATO and/or U.S. forces apparently killed a couple dozen Pakistani soldiers at an outpost on the Afghan border.  The details are murky at this point: The Guardian reports that coalition forces say they came under fire and returned fire. Pakistan has announced that it will cut...

(at their own peril.) I read an article in the German newspaper, Der Spiegel, that really got my eyes rolling. It is titled "Habermas, the Last European": Jürgen Habermas, 82, wants to get the word out. He's sitting on stage at the Goethe Institute in Paris. Next...

Since the new blog went live in mid-June, I've only banned about a dozen people (compared to 2700+ registered users). I've banned someone who gratuitously insulted Kathleen, someone who had the "N" word in the registered e-mail address (no need to wait for that person to...