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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


We've seen this before, at the celebration of Obama's victory in 2008, where students unfurled the Soviet flag in celebration. I chalked that up to profound historical ignorance, much like the chic wearing of Che Guevara and Mao t-shirts. The carrying of the Soviet flag at the Occupy...


You may not know it, but the internet hacking group Anonymous helped launch the Occupy Wall Street movement with a video released in late August:. During the initial protests in New York, protesters attempted to use masks similar to those used in the video, but were...

When this sticker was put on the car, the owner probably figured things were not yet out of control.  But after three weeks of #OccupyMadness, no question mark is needed. From Larry in Miami (who must have been stopped on the interstate when he took this...

On October 7, self-styled Occupy Wall Street reporter Allison Burtch, the proponent of "progressive stack" speech control, gave this advice to the #OccupyWallStreet movement: Which goes to prove, don't wish too hard for something, you just might get it....

I've warned you not to take at face value the depictions of the protesters at the Occupy Wall Street rallies. Andrew Cole, the focus of a sympathetic New York Times article, turned out to be a pretty hard core solicialist (by his own description) and former...

No, not Occupy Wall Street or Occupy anything. That was the estimate by Nate Silver (then of 538 blog, now of The NY Times) of the April 15, 2009 Tax Day Tea Parties.  Silver noted the upward adjustment of the Tea Party rally in Atlanta from...

From Crawdad Hole written by frequent commenter myiq2xu: I guess the people like Andy Sullivan and his ilk are gonna be unhappy, because Sarah apparently has no intention of going away.  I have to wonder what would have happened if they had just left her alone...

Thanks to commenter Mutnodjmet for reminding me: PS.  Just to let you know, in light of Palin’s decision, I am promoting OPERATION COUNTERWEIGHT quite heavily. The reference is to my post in early June, Commence Operation Counterweight: Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics...

This bumper stick disproves that bumper sticker "I think, therefore I'm liberal."  Because the person who drives this car proves just the opposite. Thanks to reader Ken, who writes: Saw this bumper sticker today in suburban Kansas City (on the Kansas side) and snapped a pic. I...

Various and sundry: John Hinderaker finishes up his take-down of the Bloomberg hit piece on the Koch Brothers. We are on a track, just not the right track - CBO: Deficit is on track to be $1.3 trillion. If he had focused more on Windmills! and less on...

to judge bad ideas is to look at how many Princeton philosophy and Columbia professors support it...

that never rings, and the e-mail account that never pings, from politicians seeking my highly influential support. Via AP, Romney, Perry try to recruit Christie, Palin fans: Rivals Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are furiously scurrying to recruit heartbroken holdouts who had hoped GOP celebrities Chris Christie...

Large law firms. Oh sure, they'll give thousands of pro bono hours fighting for the rights of Gitmo detainees, but remember why they are Large law firms. They have Large corporate clients including Large Banks and Large Investment Banks and Large Broker-Dealers who pay them Large Legal Fees so they...

Felix Salmon (h/t HotAir) ...