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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


It's so frustrating, the failure of conservative media and Republican campaigns to vet Mitt Romney's Bain days. Instead of hiring cartoonists to turn Newt into Marvin the Martian, National Review should have been digging deep into the public filings, court filings, and the financial history of...


Of course I'll be covering it, probably one of my "updates at the breaks" type of coverage, not a Live Event.  It starts at 9 p.m. Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos "moderated" the Drake Debate in December.   My prior posts: Drake Debate – Video highlights, Drake Debate...

Via The Hill: Restore Our Future, a super PAC backing Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, will run full-page ads attacking Newt Gingrich in the Manchester Union Leader and The State in Columbia, South Carolina, the most prominent newspapers in the next two states to vote...

There is a new jobs report out, with the usual caveats that the work force is shrinking, but the nominal unemployment rate is down to 8.5%.  That's the number which counts politically. The rate would be 10.9% if the same number of people were in the...

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that phrase used in the email from reader NCMont to explain his move from D.C. to Austin.  I guess it's like when I make the trip from Rhode Island to Ithaca when school is in session.  Or is it the other way...

You would think that Wisconsin state officials charged with ensuring the intergrity of elections, including the recall against Gov. Scott Walker, would want to check for duplicate, fictitious and fraudulent signatures on recall petitions. But no.  As I reported in November, the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board decided...

Things that deserve separate posts, but won't get it, for now: He's still trying to out liberal a real liberal, and it will not work:  Scott Brown Says He Supports Obama’s Illegal “Recess” Appointment of Richard Cordray… and  Scott Brown Accuses Gingrich Of 'Pandering To The Right-Wing Extreme'. ...

I posted the other day about Alan Colmes mocking -- and then apologizing for mocking -- the manner in which Rick Santorum and his family mourned their child who died shortly after birth. Now Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post and MSNBC has done the same (via...

Having called the Tea Party birthers and Newt Ahmadinejad, Ann Coulter has identified another way of demonizing and belittling someone who is not Mitt Romney: As a two-time senator from a light-blue state, Rick Santorum is not as obviously unelectable as the rest. But don't leap too fast,...

Two men break into a home in Oklahoma. A widowed young mother and her infant are alone in the house. The mother calls 911 to ask if it is okay to shoot the intruders: "I've got two guns in my hand -- is it okay to...

Remember when one Republican candidate viciously attacking the leading Republican candidate was patriotic? Like in Iowa, when everyone from Charles Krauthammer on down blamed Newt's past for the several millions dollars in negative attack ads run by a pro-Romney SuperPAC?  When National Review devoted almost an entire issue to...

No one could have seen this coming. Romney Tax Returns Become a Problem Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire who is by far the wealthiest of the Republican presidential candidates, said he has no plans to release his income tax returns if he wins his party’s nomination, setting himself...

Another one from John Ruberry's canoe trip in Morton Grove, Ill. Taken on a car with Wisconsin plates -- must be another one of those fleebaggers:  ...

Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau correctly is portrayed as a naked power grab. First, the Senate is not in recess.  Harry Reid and other Democrats in the past treated the current Senate pro forma business status as not being...

From the Coffee Shop Blog: Comment of the week. No. The Year. "I'm Barack Obama and George Soros approved this message" LukeHandCool at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion...