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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


of Sharon Bialek appeared at a news conference.  I'll post it when available, just so no one can say I didn't post it and am running from the truth. The truth is that the press conference shed little light on the truth.  The ex-boyfriend, who now is...


You can't take a single poll on it's own, but this CNN poll (data here) released at noon today does comport with the trend of Newt rising as Romney's main challenger, and Cain feeling the effects of the negative publicity. Update: Ed Morrissey, linking also to a PPP poll...

The Supreme Court has just announced that it will take the Obamacare litigation, meaning that a decision will be rendered on the individual mandate, if not the entire law, by the end of June. As reported in USA Today: The Supeme court said today it will hear...

The narrative is being set.  Mitt Romney will be the nominee because all other candidate are faltering, and cannot hold up. Who is setting this narrative?  In addition to the usual suspects, add Politico, as in this post by Alexander Burns: Conservatives don’t like him. They really...

Some interesting Iran things going on. A massive explosion at a military base / missile depot about 12 miles (some reports say 25 miles) from Tehran broke windows in the capital. Claims already are being made that it was Israeli sabotage. One of the dead was the head of...

hope and change political promises. Thanks to reader Mark in California who writes: I was behind this truck as I headed into the dump this morning. Now we know what happens to all those political promises. Best wishes and thanks for the blog. ...

You know about the sidewalks of Warren, Rhode Island, where millions were spend on replacing miles of sidewalks hardly anyone walked on, and which, in the rush to spend Stimulus money, were constructed improperly. You also know about the sidewalks to heaven of Lincoln, Rhode Island, and the...

Via Israel Matzav, a ballad about the failure of the Oslo Accords which created the Palestinian Authority and transplanted the PLO terrorist infrastructure from Tunisia to the West Bank and Gaza. Hang on to the end of the video, knowing that the call on the secure net...

That's what commenter and blogger Joan of Argghh said last night after watching the clip of Newt taking on Scott Pelley over killing enemy combatants. So what do you say about this one? Update:  Ann Althouse enjoyed Newt's performance also: He listens to the precise question asked and examines...

Richard Mourdock has been suggested by reader Listkeeper in the Tip Line as a possible Focus for his primary challenge to Richard Lugar.  He has the backing of the Indiana Tea Party. HuffPo says this is the only remaining Senate race where a Tea Party backed...

The Occupy rallies are devolving into the equivalent of the prison yard, as reflected in multiple incidents around the country of rape and killing, and this story about the slashing of a San Francisco police officer with a type of shiv commonly used by prison gangs (h/t...

Thanks to reader and frequent photographer Lenny who writes: A van in a south St. Louis, Mo. grocery store parking lot. I cropped out the fun-house mirror effect. :-) ...

Here was my assessment: End Game – no clear winner. Cain exceeded expectations but only because expectations were low.  Perry redeemed himself but I doubt it will change perceptions.  Newt and Romney were both good, Newt scored his usual slap at the moderator and it...

End Game - no clear winner.  Cain exceeded expectations but only because expectations were low.  Perry redeemed himself but I doubt it will change perceptions.  Newt and Romney were both good, Newt scored his usual slap at the moderator and it worked wonderfully.  Scott Pelley...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Newt Gingrich has made headlines and gained supporters at the debates by taking on the media moderators, challenging the assumptions in their questions, and refusing to attack others on stage. ...

You remember the fiancé of Sharon Bialek, the one who lent credibility to her story because, although he was not involved with her 15 years ago, he was the proof the mainstream media used to prove that Bialek was financially stable and not looking for...