Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2455
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The Best Bumper Sticker of the Year, Worst Bumper Sticker of the Year and Best Tweet of the Year competitions have left me on the verge of blogger burnout, but I soldier on, because that's just the way I am.  And the internet never stops. The Worst Tweet...


I posted earlier about Newt Gingrich's emotional discussion of his mother, in which he shed tears while discussing his memories. What kind of person would make fun of this, and what type of supporters laugh in response? Mitt tweaks Newt: 'I won't cry': POLITICO's Emily Schultheis, on the trail...

It's the major headline at Drudge: But the headline suggests it's a reaction to polling, but instead it was questioning by Frank Luntz about Newt's mother. The most poignant moment to me was not the discussion of his mother but at 4:25 when he recounted a story...

Who would have expected it.  Ann Coulter in her endorsement of Mitt Romney gave a very misleading account of Rick Santorum's immigration record, asserting that he voted against E-Verify. Ann's a lawyer, so she knows that omitting material facts can be just as much a fraud...

Readers have been emailing me about the dangers of the Stop Online Privacy [wow, what a slip] Piracy Act but I've been a bit distracted.  Here's the concern from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: The "Stop Online Piracy Act"/"E-PARASITE Act" (SOPA) and "The PROTECT IP Act" (PIPA)...

Via Byron York, a preview of a book by Boston journalist Ronald Scott: According to Scott, Romney revealed that polling from Richard Wirthlin, Ronald Reagan's former pollster whom Romney had hired for the '94 campaign, showed it would be impossible for a pro-life candidate to win...

"Why Is No One Attacking Romney?"  That's the question I have been pounding all fall, particularly in the past 6 weeks. It's also the question asked by Alex Roarty at National Journal: It's an old story this primary, where Romney has not faced the kind of...

The Best Tweet of the Year competition was really, really tough. There were so many great tweets arising out of the Occupy Wall Street protests that it could have been its own category.  Not surprisingly, Obama also was a hot topic. I excluded from consideration tweets...

One of the conspiracy theories floating around the comment section here and elsewhere was that Michele Bachmann served as the attack dog against everyone but Romney in the hope of gaining a VP nod. The speculation was fueled by Bachmann's relentless and often inaccurate attacks on...

A certain someone already has declared that the media got the primaries all wrong, and that it was going to be Mitt all the time.  Others have written off Newt and Perry to the dustbin of history.  The emerging media consensus, pushed by the mainstream...

With war in Israel  just one shot or rocket or kidnapping away, it's always worth seeing the faces of the people who will fight it. The Jewish New Year was in September, so this is the IDF's New Year's greeting to you (via Sheya): ...

Rick Santorum has lived in Iowa for months, visiting every county, street, house, coffee shop, bakery, and front porch waiting for his time to come.  It may have arrived, if the recent polling is indicative of reality. But because Santorum's surge comes just days before the...

I noted the other day Romney’s emerging secrecy problem, including the refusal to release income tax returns even if he becomes the nominee. This is a break with standard practice for nominees, and creates a no win situation in which Romney makes his income and taxes...

John Hinderaker of Power Line Blog wrote an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Tuesday.  It was about as good an endorsement as I have seen, but kept coming back to one theme, electability. I don't think we can judge electability just yet because no one really has challenged...

The worst Bumper Sticker of the Year competition was almost as tough as the Best Bumper Sticker of the Year competition.  Thanks again to those who made nominations. Not surprisingly, it was dominated by various forms of Derangement Syndrome. 1st Place - "Tea Party" sounds so much nicer...