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Fouad Ajami reports on an opinion survey taken by a leading Arab electronic daily newspaper, regarding the Cordoba mosque and Islamic center to be located at or near (depending on your perspective) Ground Zero. Keep in mind that domestic public opinion against the location is widely...

On Election Day in November we will have another all-day Live Blog event.  The event will be turned on in the morning, and stay open all day and night until we get returns from Nevada and the West Coast. Those who participated in the Scott...

Kirsten Powers, almost alone among liberals, has been willing to denounce the sexualized attacks upon Christine O’Donnell, and now she does it again in a column at The Daily Beast titled Tea Party Mocking Needs To Stop: The Washington establishment has its nose out of...

When Chris Matthews is good, he’s very good; when he’s bad, he’s tingly.  In this clip, Matthews makes some good points: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy ——————————————– Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

The victory last night of Christine O’Donnell over Mike Castle in the Delaware Republican Senate primary signals a sea change.  Not so much because O’Donnell won over the heavily favored establishment GOP candidate; that pattern is not new this election season. Instead, the reaction of...

September 1972.  Worth remembering.  I’ll bet most of our children never heard of it, because we don’t teach such things anymore. History and terrorism started with the election of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. [youtube=] [youtube=] ——————————————–Related Posts:It’s al-Quds Day at WaPo (feat. George...

I took yesterday off from blogging, and of course the big news broke that the Pastor in Florida was not going to set the world on fire (we think, not sure, he’ll let us know for sure eventually) this Saturday by burning a load of...

On September 3, I was interviewed by Stacey Simms of Charlotte’s Morning News, 1110 WBT, about my blog post, CNN Distorts 60 Min./Vanity Fair Poll about Sarah Palin. The audio is here. ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube 

Kos Media sued Research 2000 back in late June, after incendiary accusations by Markos Moulitsas that Research 2000 issued fraudulent polling data. Now the parties have agreed on the “basic terms of settlement” which will require a “series of actions to be taken by each...

The last Gallup Generic Tracking Poll showed Republicans up by a historic 10 points.  I meant, the last Poll prior to the one just released, which a week later shows a tie. Any poll that swings 10 points over a week when there was no news...

A few minutes ago I passed my 4 millionth blog visit, and weeks ago my 5 millionth page view. Visitor no. 4,000,000 was from Cantor Fitzgerald, the firm which lost 658 of its 960 New York-based employees in the 9/11 attack on The World Trade Center....

Via Memeorandum 9-6-2010, 10:00 p.m.: ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

Obama’s line, in his Labor Day speech in Milwaukee before union leaders and a union crowd, that “[t]hey talk about me like a dog,” is getting all the attention. But you really need to read the entire speech.  It is classic Obama, living in a...

Mike Stopa is running in the Republican primary for Congress in the 3rd District of Massachusetts. Stopa is not your typical candidate.  Stopa is a Physicist specializing in computation and nanoscience in the Physics Department at Harvard University, and director of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure...

Please bookmark this post and Tweetfor use in the next political emergency, when some criminal act by a nut is used by Media Matters and its progeny to tar and feather the entire Tea Party and conservative movements: (h/t @JammieWF) Update 1-8-2011 – This tweet takes...