Mike Stopa is running in the Republican primary for Congress in the 3rd District of Massachusetts.
Stopa is not your typical candidate. Stopa is a Physicist specializing in computation and nanoscience in the Physics Department at Harvard University, and director of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Computation Project. So let’s just say the guy pays attention to details.
One of the details on which Stopa has focused is the repeal of Obamacare, using Massachusetts’ experience with Dukakiscare as a model.
Stopa explained his position, and the history in Massachusetts, in this video at his YouTube channel:
Now Stopa has released a position paper, The Massachusetts Model For Dismantling Obamacare (embedded below):
It is widely believed … that entitlement programs are like a ratchet and can only increase in size rather than decrease. This conclusion is at odds with the experience of Massachusetts in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s during which the administration of Governor Michael Dukakis signed into law the nation’s first Universal Healthcare bill.
This bill, with its onerous provisions that established universal coverage on the backs of the small business community, was vigorously opposed even after it was enacted into law by Massachusetts. The ensuing battle by a few dedicated State Legislators serves as a model in our current situation for a strategy and tactics to delay, defund and ultimately repeal Obamacare.
Stopa is one of the few politicians actually thinking through, and going on record as to, the steps needed to unwind Obamacare. In an age of sound bites and talking points, it is nice to have someone running for office who is willing to study an issue and take a stand.
Massachusetts Model for Dismantling Obamacare – Mike Stopa http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf
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Mike Stopa for Congress (MA-03)
Yeah, They Lied (x 10)
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Great summary and model
I am surprised, so little comments.
Since it seems impossible to just repeal all of Ocare in one fell swoop. I'm encouraged by Mr. Stopa's suggestions of repealing pieces at first and lowering funding, and then defunding and repealing again depending on whose elected in 2012.
RomneyCare-MassHealth has done huge damage to our healthcare here in MA. Specialist appointments can take up to 3 months. Noone is willing to go to the ER–it's a backed up nightmare. One hospital ER is taking appt's and calling your cell phone when your number comes up. Primary Care Physicians have 1 year waits for well check ups. My DH and I pay 1200.00 mo.–family of 4 Tufts plan, out of pocket with high deductibles 1,000 ind./2,000 fam. And when renewal comes up you know it's going to go UP.
I am sick of being Middle Class poor. I hope Mr. Stopa gets voted in and shares his ideas with Paul Ryan. Mike Stopa is from the next town over but different district. I'd vote for him.
Kudos to Him for stepping up to the plate with a plan.
Why is Stopa running for Congress. With his message he should be for President.