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One of my friends text messaged me this morning “Lowry is good today.” Indeed, today Rick Lowry’s column is all about the decline of marriage in the US middle class. It makes for an interesting read, but reminds me of a piece I wrote a...

News crossing the wires is that the Democrats in the House have rejected Obama’s tax deal with Republicans in a non-binding vote: The House Democratic Caucus on Thursday rejected the tax deal negotiated between the White House and Senate Republicans. The non-binding vote of the...

I take offense to MoDo‘s PDS hyperbole: Sarah’s view of America is primitive. You’re either a pointy-headed graduate of Harvard Law School or you’re eviscerating animals for fun, which she presents as somehow more authentic. I’m the former, but not the latter, yet.  But the two...

Mario Vargas Llosa, the most recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, addressed a crowd in Stockholm during his Nobel Lecture yesterday. The transcript is worth reading, but here is one part I found to be particularly lovely: “Let those who doubt that literature...

I was born in 1990. Therefore, for most of my life, I have had to live under the veil of Hillary Clinton as “every girl’s role model.” Clinton is undoubtedly very smart and talented. After all, you don’t get into Wellesley or Yale Law school...

A traditional method of sending a powerful message to those who seek to harm you is to use their own weapons against them. The Israelis did this to great effect during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, in which the Israelis captured an almost unimaginable quantity...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight’s issue came to my attention due to the controversy stirred up in Australia over these two t-shirts: The t-shirts, particularly the one that says “we eat meat,...

Taken by reader Rich at a Wal-Mart parking lot near Tampa in late October: ——————————————–Related Posts:Bumper Stickers – The Series Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

Bob Costa and Andrew Stiles of National Review had a great interview with South Carolina’s Governor-elect Nikki Haley. Before today, I didn’t know much about her aside from her policies (vaguely) but I’m really glad I took the time to read the interview. Particularly when... is reporting that Hugo Chavez “affirmed on national television on November 30 that Secretary of State Hillary “Clinton feels superior to Obama because she is white…she ought to resign.” According to the red-shirted Latin leader, revelations of US foreign policy provided by WikiLeaks has...

Who am I to argue with a tireless and indefatigable blog goddess: “Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I’ve ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing...

The U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on November 4, 1979, was the start of 444 days which came to define Jimmy Carter.  The U.S. government was revealed to be powerless and the President weak.  Those among us who were alive and conscious during those days have embedded...

The Daily Caller (h/t Instapundit) has an interesting post today on the push back by Tea Party supporters against corporations — particularly in the pharmaceutical industry — which cooperated and cut deals with the Obama administration to help pass Obamacare.  The Washington Post had a...

The Southern Poverty Law Center was a focus of my post earlier this week regarding SPLC’s new “anti-gay” list and “hate group” list. An important blog post (h/t Instapundit) by someone who describes himself as a “veteran gay and aids human rights activist” takes SPLC...

The New York Times ran a trolling article yesterday titled G.O.P. and Tea Party Gains Are Mixed Blessing for Israel: When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel came to the United States recently for another round of tense talks with the Obama administration, he got a...

I alluded earlier today, in passing, to the idiocy of the left-wing blogs and some mainstream media outlets in making a big deal out of Sarah Palin’s obvious slip of the tongue — corrected seconds later — in referring to North Korea instead of South Korea. ...

John Stossel wrote a great column about how, if the present political class had been in power four hundred years ago, we would not have Thanksgiving today. “Long before the failure of modern socialism, the earliest European settlers gave us a dramatic demonstration of the...