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NGO Monitor keeps watch on anti-Israeli non-governmental organizations, and provides valuable research contesting many of the outlandish claims made by these mostly left-wing groups financed by European governments. The NGOs, some of which are staffed by Israeli leftists, subject Israel to a microscope no society...

Mideast Media Sampler 7-18-2013

1) More on AIPAC In addition to explaining how the two organizers put together the AIPAC conference, Tablet has a symposium, Do we still need a pro-Israel lobby? Though there are some good responses, the presence of Rebecca Vilkomerson and Alan Elsner as respondents is disappointing. Vilkomerson...

I am and always have been a liberal. I was raised to revere the Democratic party and feel contempt for the party of Richard Nixon (as well as the man himself). Democrats, everyone agreed, were freer spirits.  Uptight Republicans, everyone agreed, lighted cigars with hundred-dollar...

As detailed here many times, there are just as many Jewish refugees from Arab countries as there are Arab refugees from Israel.  The Jewish refugess are the refugees whose name the United Nations dare not speak. Israel finally is starting to put on the table...