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Although it had been widely reported (including right here at Legal Insurrection) that the Sanford, FL police department had banned Neighborhood Watch volunteers from being lawfully armed, Police Chief Cecil Smith now says that this policy was miscommunicated to the public. It remains true that...

Reuters reports that Sanford, Florida — the town where George Zimmerman successfully and lawfully defended his life by shooting and killing a vicious attacker, Trayvon Martin — has passed new rules for how neighborhood watch volunteers may conduct themselves. In particular, it forbids them from...

Joan Walsh of threw a classic race-card fit the other day because Ted Cruz referred to as being run by Nigerial scam artists: Hey, did you hear the one about the disappearing “Nigerian email scammers”? They’ve “become a lot less active lately” because...

First they came for the Joker: College Student arrested for wearing “Joker” make-up to class Damn good thing they didn’t wear Joker make-up at these events, or they might have been in trouble: Brown University Celebrates “Nude Week” Video – Jesse Watters Covers “Nude Week”...

A father in South Carolina who fired his handgun in self-defense–and in the process killing an apparent innocent bystander–has successfully argued that he is not subject to criminal or civil liability under the state’s self-defense immunity law. South Carolina’s self-defense immunity statute–§16-11-450. Immunity from criminal...

Two 19-year old men have been charged with robbery, weapons and conspiracy offenses after a San Francisco television reporter was robbed of his equipment Friday.  A security guard accompanying the reporter fired shots upon the men during the confrontation. From Reuters: Two teenagers have been...

Sometimes what comes around, goes around. The Washington Times is reporting that the Florida Commission on Ethics has launched an investigation of controversial State prosecutor Angela Corey over her firing of IT director Ben Kruidbos in the aftermath of the prosecutorial debacle that was the...

In May 2012, Marissa Alexander was convicted of aggravated assault for having fired a gun at her estranged husband and his two children. Under Florida’s “10-20-Life” law she received the mandatory 20-year-sentence for having fired a gun in the commission of a felony. We wrote...

The deification of Trayvon Martin, with comparisons to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Emmitt Till, is just part of the false narrative of the prosecution of George Zimmerman. We are seeing a mythology grow and become embedded on campuses which misrepresents the factual and legal...

Researchers studying China’s equivalent of Twitter have found that anger tends to be the most influential emotion on the social network.  It spreads the fastest and most broadly, more than several other categories of emotion.  The findings could offer insight into studying how information spreads...

Andrew Branca and I gave our presentation yesterday at Cornell Law School on the Zimmerman case, and the reasons why the jury reached the correct verdict. I’m hopeful the video will be available to post soon. One of the things I talked about was the...