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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


As my readers know, I have taken an interest in polling, primarily because it seems so many polls are agenda driven.  In a post last week, I pointed to a PPP poll on Wisconsin which used sample data which underweighted Walker voters from 2010 and...


In what will come as a shock to no one who lives in reality, the revolutions throughout the Middle East, while sparked in many instances by people who share western-style democratic values, are turning Islamist, and the Obama administration is dithering and accepting the outcome as a...

A campaign by Think Progress to demonize and marginalize the Koch brothers has jumped the shark.No, I'm not referring to the cretin who posted a comment here calling me a "Koch whore."No, I'm not referring to the theft of David Koch's identity by a liberal blogger.No,...

Welcome to the fantasy land of the Obama administration:Senate Budget Committee ranking member Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) took Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood to task Thursday for the Obama administration’s call for a massive increase in transportation spending. Given the record deficit this year, Sessions said he...

This time it's in Ohio, and the "threat" comes from a police union lawyer directed at an Ohio Republican state senator who voted in favor of S.B. 5, the bill stripping public employee unions of collective bargaining rights.  The lawyer, after being told that the...

Andrew Sullivan loves to accuse conservatives and Republicans of blowing various racial and other dog whistles:The Bald Racism Of Rush Limbaugh ("Is any American more adept at exploiting racial dog whistles?")"Media Is Everything" ("Breitbart, like Drudge, gets the web. He understands its subversive and rhetorical power: the...

Providence, Rhode Island, where I used to work and near where I now live, is a wonderful city.  The always colorful Buddy Cianci took a down-on-its-luck former industrial blight and turned it into the crown jewel not only of Rhode Island, but of the Northeast. ...

Ann Althouse has been observing the revolution in Madison (brought to you by PEU™) and correctly observes that the Wisconsin protesters are losing their grip on reality.It's not just the protesters.The supporters of the Wisconsin protesters in the left-blogosphere also are losing their grip on reality.Witness...

The former gets it, the latter doesn't but thinks it does.From Keith Burgess-Jackson, in Texas:From the Senior Executive First Vice President for Subway Affairs, in Legal Insurrection's New York City News Bureau:For the answer to the age old question, "So how does brokeass, dumbass, redneck Texas stack up against progressive...

Thanks to a commenter to my post More Police Insurrection In Madison for this clip of a caller to a Wisconsin talk show about the conduct of police unions in the current protests:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

As I have documented here many times, one does not need to question Barack Obama's birthplace or citizenship to be called a "birther.""Birther" simply is the new "racist," an epithet thrown around at anyone who questions -- or in the case of Mike Huckabee failed to accurately state -- Obama's...

The Daily Caller has an absolutely hilarious article (which I hope will become a series) titled 'Congressional Bosses from Hell' starring Sheila Jackson Lee. There are some real gems in this one:Yet another staffer remembers requesting a meeting early on in her tenure to ask...

Reader and frequent commenter LukeHandCool's daughter Emily stars in this music video for her new rock band:Mac Ballard "Sawtelle" from Lance Kuhns on Vimeo.Album soon?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The U.S. Supreme Court, in an 8-1 ruling (Alito dissenting), ruled in favor of the right under the First Amendment for protesters from the Westboro Baptist Church to picket near the funerals of soldiers.Here is a key piece of the Opinion, written by Chief Justice...