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My appearance on Newt's World podcast: "It's a deeply anti-Western cultural problem, which is taking itself out, as has happened of course for many centuries, on the Jewish population.... The far left and the Islamists on campuses are very powerful and that is why Israel and Jews are being singled out. But people should understand that this is an anti-American culture on campuses."

"There is a core group on campus at Cornell and elsewhere, which has bought into this sort of revolutionary ideology as regards to Israel, and they direct it to Israel and they direct it to the United States. So it is definitely present. We have a terrorism supporting problem on campuses that universities refuse to address."

Now everyone is talking about ADL. But I've been speaking out against ADL for years, frustrated how ADL took a good purpose - fighting antisemitism - and weaponized it for leftist political purposes under Jonathan Greenblatt. It will be interesting to see where the ADL-Twitter (X) dustup goes. But one thing is beyond doubt, Greenblatt needs to go.

Trump campaign and influencers, who have called DeSantis and his supporters every vile term imaginable, are trying to stoke anger over this: "The movement has... gotta be based in principle. Because if you're not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that [are] just supposed to follow whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement."