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CNBC notes not only cuts, but also scaling back of hiring: "By mid-2023, DEI-related job postings had declined 44% from the same time a year prior.... In November 2023, the last full month for which data was available, it dropped 23% year over year."

We didn’t just warn about the pernicious and corrosive effects of CRT and DEI that now are exploding on campuses. We documented the threat more deeply than anyone else. With facts and data.

My appearance on the Lou Dobbs podcast: "I don't mean to laugh about it, but this is insane. You have somebody who's a complete failure, who embarrassed the university, who cost them a billion dollars, who gets caught plagiarizing, and they're going stand with her.... Maybe they think their brand can't be permanently tarnished because it's Harvard. Well, you know what? The people who branded Bud Light thought the same thing, and they found out differently."

My appearance on the Mark Reardon Show about antisemitism on campuses: "Jews end up becoming a proxy for everything that these groups hate about our own society. So if you did one of Kamala Harris's Venn diagrams and you had things that were over overlapping ... anti-American, anti-Capitalist, anti-Israel, there is a huge overlap."

CU-Denver and CU-Boulder's "voluntary and ongoing participation in and active promotion of the McNair Scholarship program, which awards funding, research and scholarship opportunities to students based on their race and skin color, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as well as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ...."