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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Couple of thoughts before the big Ryan speech. This always was going to be a multi-stage fight.  The first and highest priority is removing Obama from office and Democrats from control of the Senate. But after that, and assuming it happens, there will be the Republican establishment...


Via AP (h/t Samuel Keck in Tip Line)  A three-judge panel in Florida has ruled that a former neighborhood watch leader charged in the fatal shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin should be granted a new judge in his case. Florida's Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled Wednesday...

I first wrote back in June that Missouri Senator Claire MacAskill's effort to distance herself from the President by skipping out on the DNC was "not a bad strategy." In July, I reported that Nancy Pelosi had essentially endorsed it as the "official strategy" of Congressional...

It's not just Ray Gaster who is raising the "I built this" banner. Readers have forwarded photos they just took of other businesses with similar signage. From Sara: Hi @Legal Insurrection. Here's what a sign business in Boca Raton, Florida is prominently displaying. Eight minutes ago in 91-degree post-Isaac...

The title isn't about the Middle East, although it could be. It's John Nolte's persuasive analysis of the mainstream media in light of the hot mic comment initially thought to come from an ABC News staff member that the Romneys are "happy to party while black...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle . ...

From Catherine in Tennessee: This is a new one. Thought I would share it. John Tune Airport - Nashville, TN - taken July 25th ...

The line up is packed tonight, including Mia Love, who just finished her speech: If you haven't contributed to her Money Bomb, what are you waiting for? Need more motivation, read what some smug creep at The Nation says about people like Mia, RNC Schedule: Tokenism Extraordinaire.  Tokens? People...

A three judge panel in D.C. has thrown out all Texas redistricing maps which were subject to challenge by the DOJ.  It's a monster 154-page decision, embedded below, so it will take time to figure out what was done to which districts. Because Texas is a...

Remember The Bow. You know, the one which the White House denied was a bow, in one of the earlier displays of the White House thinking we are stupid: "It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an...

Chris Matthews is pushing the race card really hard, as is MNSBC and much of the mainstream media. I sense panic, complete and utter panic. Everything is a race whistle to this crowd (is using the term "crowd" racist, Chris, or at least a dog whistle?). Matthews came...

Mia B. Love will be speaking at the RNC tonight with the theme "The America I Know." As you know from prior coverage here, she's in a tough fight in the newly formed and heavily Republican Utah-04 district against incumbent Jim Matheson, who has family name recognition (his father...

I'll let you finish the sentence in light of the bumper sticker below. From reader Amy, who took this photo a few days ago in Aurora, CO: I found a bumper sticker for you in the humor category. It made me laugh anyway, and I thought I'd...