Dem candidate in VA-05 hits videographer
Frustration boiling over
Democrats are getting really punchy.
Elizabeth Warren’s “cab driver” attacked a videographer the other day, and a week ago a Democratic candidate in Virginia-05 took the law into his own hands as well, via NBC29:
Eight seconds of video from a General John Douglass political event in Farmville earlier this month is bubbling up into the 5th District congressional race Thursday night.
In the video Douglass, the Democratic candidate, swats at a cameraman recording at the public event. The Douglass campaign says even though the event was open to the public, their candidate was trying to have a private conversation with a voter.
Douglass claimed he “swatted” the videographer because he was trying to have a private conversation (in the middle of a crowded area?):
“We regret that these things happen, but you know, it was a situation where we were trying to keep him out of a private conversation and it was one of his trackers, and that lady wanted to talk to me about some private issues,” said Douglass.
Douglass is trying to unseat first term Republican Robert Hurt who took out Tom Periello in 2010.
John Douglass, who are you?

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Damn, those camera things are really effective!
Seems Breitbart was really on to something.
Like tequila makes your clothes fall off, cameras just drive Collectivist to violence.
Cockroaches don’t like light.
Don’t tape me bro’!!
So many in the elected class fear being on the record these days.
John Douglass, who are you?
He’s, among other things, a retired Brigadier General (Air Force). I’d expect that doing that sort of thing to a subordinate in the Air Force is a violation of regulations, wouldn’t you?
From Wikipedia (sources unvetted):
John W. Douglass
– Production officer for the LGM-25C Titan II intercontinental ballistic missile
– Mactan Air Base in the Philippines as base procurement officer
– Deputy chief of the Defense Contract Administration Office for Curtiss-Wright
– Procurement officer at the Eastern Range at Patrick Air Force Base
– Deputy program manager for business and acquisition of the Joint Cruise Missile Project
– Director of program planning and integration, and acting director of science and technology in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition
– Foreign policy and science and technology advisor to Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA)
– Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisitions)
– President and CEO of Aerospace Industries Association lobby group
– President and CEO of The Douglass Aerospace Group
– Member of Obama’s Aerospace and Defense Industry advisors group during the campaign
– Campaigned on behalf of Obama
I wonder if he is responsible for the surrender by Obama of our advantage in space-based defense, very early in the Obamic Decline?
What an excellent question. Someone should ask him that question… on camera of course.
We call it “Ma-smacka.”
This is a good bellwether district to watch. Nominally slightly more Republican, it includes UVA and all the liberal academics so it is in practice a battleground. Hurt won last time with under 51% in the Republican wave of 2010. If he wins reelection, Romney will likely win the state. If Douglas wins, it means trouble.
Yes, and that was even with a visit to deep Blue C’ville by the ONE himself…
Guess I’d better up my donations to Hurt.
I like to think my donations helped him get elected in 2010. Guess it’s time to step up again.
For the life of me, I can never figure out why assault and battery complaints are never filed against the leftist a-holes that pull that crap. 🙁
Quite possibly because some liberal judge will find the defendant “not guilty” and the defendant will then claim that he/she was harassed by the evil Republicans.
Usually, because the Institutional Republicans are sure that Democrats are really their esteemed colleagues and not the Enemy. Sometimes, the cops do get there too soon.
We had a campaign event in my small town yesterday. We “intercepted” an email from the Dem campaign leader calling on all his people to come and disrupt it. With that inspiration, we ended up outnumbering them 4-1. They did start a shoving match with a couple of our older women. The cops got there before we did. Which was a pity.
Democrats are NOT our countrymen.
Subotai Bahadur
Press charges. Every time.
Who does he think he is? One of Elizabeth Warren’s thugs?
Why aren’t these people filing charges? The last time I checked, it was illegal to strike, push, or shove someone.
“Excuse me, sir, but pushing, striking, shoving, hitting or threatening me constitutes assault and battery in this jurisdiction and I will pursue any and all charges if you engage in illegal behavior.”
Enough, already!