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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I was on two radio shows yesterday, the Michael Graham Show and Howie Carr Show in Boston, talking about Elizabeth Warren. I addressed some of the misconceptions and misunderstandings, as well as some of the incorrect defenses being raised (more on that later). Here are the...


From reader Judy, who reports: Local elections --- We are vacationing on Cape Ann in Massachusetts and find that there are an almost equal number of Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren yard signs and bumper stickers -- so many of each that we gave up counting. National...

Peeing on dead terrorists and taking photos with their corpses will get you court-martialed. Dumping on America will get you elected President of the United States. And maybe reelected, too.  Breitbart: Not only are we seeing the White House and State Department call more attention to the Mohammed-mocking "Innocence...

Here we go again. Another group of Chicagoans is going on strike. And this time, it's not the teachers. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians went on strike over the weekend to protest proposed three-year contract salary levels and an increase in the percent they pay of...

Julianne Moore couldn't resist dinging Sarah Palin when she accepted her award for best actress in a miniseries or movie last night at the little-watched, but highly political Emmy's (there was a football game on). Moore's win was for playing the former vice presidential candidate in the...

A study released today by GfK Research revealed sizable reductions in American consumers' willingness to pay a premium for so-called "green," or environmentally friendly products. The study was conducted as part of the research company's "Green Gauge Report," which measures consumer attitudes toward environmental issues. According to study...

The always excellent Jonathan V. Last at The Weekly Standard has a remarkable piece about the corrupting influence of abortion on the left’s mindset—how elevating it to primacy status in the political arena has thoroughly distorted the thinking of otherwise smart people, forcing them to...

The ancient "heathen proverb," often applied to those who attempt to settle the Arab-Israeli conflict, seems appropriate to Republican presidential candidates and Pennsylvania. New GOP-commissioned poll puts Romney 1 percentage point behind in Pa. In contrast to other recent surveys, a new Pennsylvania poll commissioned by the...

Via The Boston Globe, Scott Brown has launched his first ad regarding Elizabeth Warren's claim to be Native American: The 30-second spot, called “Who knows?” features television reporters talking about Warren “identifying herself as Native American to employers. ...

The final part of the vehicle in Fort Worth which is like a whole other country.  See Part 1 and Part 2. Two views of the drivers side, so you can get the full flavor. My favorite, near the rear, "I made the DHS list!" ...

BTW, College Insurrection is one month old. Consider the blog open for now, tell me what's on your mind.  'Cause I got nothin' right now. But in the morning, oh in the morning. Then I will have a lot to say. Check back early and often.  Trust me on...

Recently on CNN, Newt Gingrich appeared with Piers Morgan to discuss what Mitt Romney needs to do in order to ensure his campaign's success. The advice was pretty simple: Do to Barack Obama what you did to me. As someone who was in the Newt camp since...

Where has "you didn't build that" gone? It was the spark which led to the pre-convention decline by Obama, but the deflection to Romney's Libya statement and secret doctored video has taken it off the table. Get back to it.  It's a winner still. ...

Maybe I should change the name of this series to the Saturday Night Chris Matthews Card Game, since Matthews is such a frequent topic lately. Matthews doesn't, apparently, understand that he was being mocked when Bill Maher asked whether Matthews was overly aggressive in charging racism (via RCP): Bill Maher,...

I haven't written much lately about the insurance sales organization doing business as a senior citizens advocacy group using the name AARP. You have AARP, among other corporate sell-outs, to thank for Obamacare, as I posted in 2009-2010: When Will AARP, Consumers Union and AMA Be Held To Account...