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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


A new online newspaper launched by David Horovitz (former Editor in Chief of The Jerusalem Post, not David Horowitz of FrontPage Mag), via Honest Reporting (h/t Anneipt). The Times of Israel represents a determined effort, by a team of skilled, committed journalists, to report Israel, the...


CNN has cancelled a scheduled March 1 debate in Georgia just ahead of Super Tuesday after Romney, followed by Santorum and Paul, announced they would not participate. This makes perfect sense, of course.  Why should Republican candidates pay respect to the heart of the South, a...

I previously posted regarding Pete Hoekstra's commercial about jobs being shipped to China, and the cries of racism because an Asian woman played the role of an Asian woman in China in the commercial. The woman's identity was outed by a blog called Angry Asian Man,...

I posted in late January about the redistricting of Allen West by the Republican controlled Florida legislature, including reports from the Florida blog The Shark Tank (which won Best State-Level Blog at CPAC this year) that West specifically was targeted. Republicans in control of the process...

So it's okay.  (h/t Terri in Tip Line) The point is not that there's anything wrong with it, but the hypocrisy (which applies even more to Romney) is dripping, considering how Newt was raked over the coals for a video with Nancy Pelosi which did not...

As the pro-Obama media pushes harder and harder to make race the issue as to every policy dispute, race actually is becoming less and less an issue in society, Intermarriage rates soar as stereotypes fall: According to the Pew study, about 15 percent of new marriages in...

Just not the other guy. From reader Philip: Here is one I think you will find different yet just as disturbing and nauseating as all the other pro-Obama stickers, Prof. It's in San Diego. Great blog. You deserve more credit for all the work you do fighting...

Signature checkers are on track to find between 100,000-200,000 invalid signatures on WI Recall petitions, out of approximately 1 million submitted.  It's too little to stop the recall election being certified, but is a good indication of massive fraud. IBD rhetorically asks, Why Do Democrats Want to Protect Voter Fraud? ...

I propose that the House and Senate pass, and the President sign into law with the simultaneous appointment of a Museum Czar, The Museum Fairness Act of 2012, to address the concerns of a severely museum-deprived minority. This is America.  Everyone deserves a fair shot at getting...

It must be great to be Rick Santorum running against Mitt Romney. By the time Mitt gets to you, after Mike H., John M. and Newt G., all of the sudden there is grave concern that Mitt will not be nice.  What's that saying, it's better...

By a clear majority, Americans support getting free stuff over not getting free stuff. And once established, getting free stuff becomes a basic right, and a part of the Democratic Party platform.  We cannot win the free stuff war. How to pay for the free stuff is someone...

One of my big regrets is not making more of a connection with Alan Dershowitz while in law school. I didn't take any of his classes, but I did have some interaction with him since he was the faculty advisor to the Jewish Law Students Association.  We...

We are still counting the cost of the Great Mistake, as he pushes hard on the pedal as the debt cliff approaches. From Linda, taken at the Lowe's parking lot in Nashville, TN, a melancholy look back at what might have been: ...

Interesting theory from Steve Kates at the Catallaxy Files ("Australia's leading libertarian and centre-right blog") that Obama does not want to run against Romney and that exciting the religious base in the Republican Party decreases Romney's chances. I'm not sure I agree with what amounts to a double-manipulation...

What a hack, Jim Talent who was used as Romney hit man on Newt now is going after Rick as well.  Come on, bring back John Sununu. Alan West is being followed Cataloging signature fraud and error on the WI recall. The quote Rick uses in his advertising and all...

Dick Morris appeared on Hannity  last night  (h/t @TheAnchoress) and made a connection between the January New Hampshire debate and Obama rolling out the contraception issue: If only I had thought of that earlier in the day and pushed the issue into the media with the help of...

The City of Providence, in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, is in dire financial trouble, as I have posted here many times before. The City, with its large tax-exempt university base and decades-long history of lush public sector benefits, has struggled under...