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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


BTW, College Insurrection is one month old. Consider the blog open for now, tell me what's on your mind.  'Cause I got nothin' right now. But in the morning, oh in the morning. Then I will have a lot to say. Check back early and often.  Trust me on...


Recently on CNN, Newt Gingrich appeared with Piers Morgan to discuss what Mitt Romney needs to do in order to ensure his campaign's success. The advice was pretty simple: Do to Barack Obama what you did to me. As someone who was in the Newt camp since...

Where has "you didn't build that" gone? It was the spark which led to the pre-convention decline by Obama, but the deflection to Romney's Libya statement and secret doctored video has taken it off the table. Get back to it.  It's a winner still. ...

Maybe I should change the name of this series to the Saturday Night Chris Matthews Card Game, since Matthews is such a frequent topic lately. Matthews doesn't, apparently, understand that he was being mocked when Bill Maher asked whether Matthews was overly aggressive in charging racism (via RCP): Bill Maher,...

I haven't written much lately about the insurance sales organization doing business as a senior citizens advocacy group using the name AARP. You have AARP, among other corporate sell-outs, to thank for Obamacare, as I posted in 2009-2010: When Will AARP, Consumers Union and AMA Be Held To Account...

In case you missed them, there were a lot of posts about the (lack of intellectual) diversity on college campuses: Is the “Ron Paul Revolution” Too Dangerous for Auburn? UC Berkeley liberal student groups afraid to meet with conservatives/libertarians Diversity at Vassar Doesn’t Include Conservatives Conservative Students Flock To...

This will have to be a multi-day project From reader Jeanne: Spotted in Fort Worth, TX today. Check out all sides of the car. Words escape me. ...

It has been an exhausting month so far, but I'm actually feeling pretty good about the election. I'm not predicting or not predicting victory, but the media is at an all time low in levels of trust, which leads me to think maybe people understand the...

All the details and links at TaxProf Blog. Short version.  He made a lot, and gave a lot to charity. The interesting part: The campaign also released a statement from PriceWaterhouseCoopers on the Romneys’ tax filings over 20 years, from 1990 – 2009: In each year during the entire 20-year...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

This Wednesday, I reported that the media were falsely reporting that Chick-fil-A had decided to cease donations to "anti-gay" groups. Scores of so-called reputable news outlets like the Los Angeles Times and ABC News ran headlines declaring that Chick-fil-A had changed its policy toward giving to...

There is no question that Scott Brown won the debate last night. It wasn't a knock out.  As Howie Carr correctly notes, a man can't get away with hitting a woman too hard in a debate: When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation, and her...

Memo to File: From: reader Tom in San Diego, CA Location: Shopping Mall parking lot Concise and to the point. I like that. ...

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here's my quick take.  (Full video here) Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn't handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue -- the release of her...