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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Never let a good Defense Authorizatio bill go to waste. Two Democratic Senators (Whitehouse and Franken) together with socialist Bernie Sanders have attached co-sponsored an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill which would expand so-called "disparate impact" claims under Title VI.  (added) The amendment was submitted...

The Culture Harvard approves BDSM club When it comes to campus sexual assault charges, being not guilty is not good enough Berkeley Prof — “babies may indeed become the new Title IX frontier” Stanford hosts International Socialist Union meeting The hated 4% on campus CA University Gives “Higher Education” a New...

or me. From frequent photographer Ulises, back in September: He was our last hope in MD...

Yesterday I wrote a post titled Associated Press and the Profit of Mohammed.  Citing a recent story, it said the AP "apparently insists that Mohammed be preceded by the word Prophet." AP has responded to Legal Insurrection with a denial that the term "Prophet Mohammed" is mandated...

As is obvious from my posts, I never read what people outside the conservative bubble say.  So when you see me critiquing almost daily what liberal (and even worse, libertarian) pudits are saying, it's all an illusion.  I'm deep in the bubble.  So deep, I don't...

There is no conventional wisdom pushed as hard by the anti-Republican media than the notion that Republicans were in a self-contained media and punditry bubble and refused to believe -- or worse yet, deliberately distorted -- contrary polling.   Beware this conventional wisdom. I have examined how that conventional...

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird gave a very strong speech (embedded at bottom of post) yesterday at the United Nations against the "nonmember" status for "Palestine," in violation of the Oslo Accords. Damn fine speech by #Canada.— Act for Israel (@ActForIsrael) November 29, 2012 Canada is following...

Depending on who you ask, and at what moment in time, the "fiscal cliff" either is End Times, or not. Obama is in campaign mode, as usual, that bizarre never-never-land where negotiating means running to rallies. Given Obama's permanent campaign, and the lack of seriousness in his...

Yesterday was other-worldly, watching the sick march of hypocrisy on display at the U.N. for the vote in the General Assembly to grant "Palestine" nonmember state status. Of course, "Palestine" already declared independence in 1988 and that declaration was recognized by almost all of the 138 countries that voted "yes" yesterday. What was other worldly was watching the speech of the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.  I watched it live.  I haven't been able to find a link to the text, but it was unreal, talking about the inalienable rights of peoples to a state.  This is the same Turkey which brutally supresses the Kurdish independence movement both inside Turkey and neighboring states, and which has threatened in the past to go to war if Kurds in neighboring Iraq established their own state. The same Turkey whose Prime Minister declared Israel a "terrorist state" because it defended itself against hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza, even though Turkey retaliated against Syria when a handful of shell landed on Turkish territory, and which repeatedly has launched retaliatory attacks against Kurdish rebels in Iraq. The same Turkey which has threatened military action over Israel's exploration for natural gas in conjunction with Greek Cyprus. The same Turkey which continues to occupy the northern part of Cyprus. The same Turkey which threatened to send warships to break Israel's military blockade of Gaza, a blockade which even the U.N. found to be legal. The same Turkey whose Islamist ruling party has been methodically destroying secular institutional counterweights. There was a parade of hypocrites yesterday, but none more so than Turkey.

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

This driver was on the right path, even if the country ended up in a ditch. From J: From Obama to Romney in four years, at UVa. Maybe one of the geniuses at that institution actually turned out to be a genius when it really counted. ...

The last we heard of the StopRush movement back in June, it had desended into intrigue, #StopRush was infiltrated, audio recordings and other evidence released.  The one thing StopRush never did, was stop Rush. But they were good at making threats after I exposed the cooordination...

Yesterday it was Condi and Susan Rice. Today it's Jesse Jackson Sr. and Al Sharpton in the past as well. I see a pattern here, don't you? @leginsurrection MSNBC Fail - Mistake Reverend Jesse Jackson for Rev. Al Sharpton…— Mad Saint Jack (@MadStJack) November 29, 2012 ...

We were out-smarted by Team Obama, no doubt about that. But wherein lies the blame?  Michael Patrick Leahy at exposes one possibility, the role of highly-paid, highly-connected consultants, Romney Campaign Paid $33 Million to Two Consulting Firms With Ties to Key Staffers: The Romney campaign spent an...