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I previously posted about Rick Santorum’s endorsement in 2004 of Arlen Specter against a challenge from Pat Toomey, in what was a precursor to the Tea Party v. Establishment fights to come. One of the unintended consequences of Specter’s reelection was that in 2009 Specter switched...

You remember Bob Etheridge, the long time Democratic Congressman from North Carolina who made internet fame with this performance: He was unseated by Renee Ellmers. But he’s back, and he’s running for Governor of North Carolina (h/t @John Nolte): In a statement Thursday, Etheridge said: “After considerable...

Amazingly, while Barack Obama’s college, law school, and State Senate records are sealed in a vault to which there is no key, The Wall Street Journal has uncovered Newt’s employment records from the 1970s when he was teaching history and then geography at West Georgia College and...

Maurice Hinchey is the Democratic Congressman for the soon to disappear NY-22 District, which snakes its way from college town to college town in upstate NY ending up in Ithaca. I’ve highlighted Hinchey before.  He made Dennis Kucinech look like Dick Cheney.  And he didn’t...

Ann Coulter already told us that Tea Partiers opposed to Mitt Romney were just a bunch of “birthers” (emphasis mine): Pemmaraju pressed Coulter on Romney’s conservatism, adding that the Tea Party has resisted him strongly, an indication he may not be as conservative as she thinks....

Every now and then there is just one of those mainstream media moments which points out how false narratives are created. This time it’s a story from CBS Boston titled Gingrich Left ‘Speechless’ By Young Voter’s ‘Old People’ Question (h/t reader punfundit in the Tip Line).  Here’s the...

The Best Bumper Sticker of the Year, Worst Bumper Sticker of the Year and Best Tweet of the Year competitions have left me on the verge of blogger burnout, but I soldier on, because that’s just the way I am.  And the internet never stops. The Worst...

Mitt Romney has an emerging secrecy problem.  For someone whose primary claim to the nomination is that he has nothing to hide, he sure acts like he has something to hide. First, there was the cleansing of Massachusetts state records from his time as Governor, including...

Listen up.  I’m sick and tired of your feel good faux-profundity. Does it make you feel good to buy those $4 lattes at Gimme Coffee?  Maybe you should put this bumper sticker on the car too. Spotted by an LI student reader in the Collegetown section...

The only reason, the only reason, the only reason anyone pays any attention to David Frum is that he is the mainstream media’s “useful conservative,” someone who screams about the crazy Republican Party and Tea Party movement. He is worse than a carnival barker, because...

As you know, I’ve been inching closer towards Newt as the not-Romney.  I don’t believe being not-Romney is enough, and of all the remaining candidates, I believe that Newt has the ability to articulate a vision of this country which establishes him as the candidate to...

Traveling all day, now in Palm Desert, CA.  Because there’s almost no way to get there from central New York, we ended up flying into Orange County airport and driving.  Along the way we saw these windfarms — Obama would so proud: From some sneak...

Several readers have called my attention to the National Popular Vote movement, through which various states would agree to vote their electors as a block based upon the winner of the national popular vote: Under the U.S. Constitution, the states have exclusive and plenary (complete)...

Not long ago The Washington Post was digging up rocks from 30 years ago to find dirt about Rick Perry. Now WaPo is digging up immigration papers from 50 years ago about Marco Rubio’s parents, Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show.  The gist of WaPo’s...

Today a bunch of college Dems have created an “Occupy Cornell” event. I don’t know what the objective of this is, but it looks like a pretty pathetic state of affairs in “solidarity.” Here’s the transcript of the “occupation” if your eyes are in need...

Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing refocusing funding away from liberal arts programs at state universities and colleges, which has various groups accusing Scott of being anti-anthropology, or something like that.  Instapundit has the story and lots of reader comments. Let me suggest that Scott is...