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Today is “military dictatorship day” (per Ed Morrissey) in which there is speculation from all sides about whether Obama would be removed in a coup or assume dictatorial powers. Crazy, huh? The left-wing blogosphere, in particular, is in a tizzy about this threat to the...

I thought we weren’t allowed to talk this way when dealing with foreigners: “It’s a battle — we’re going to win — take no prisoners,” the first lady said with a smile at a roundtable discussion with reporters in the White House State Dining Room....

Sometime early yesterday morning, I received my one millionth visit. Eleven months and two weeks after my first post on October 12, 2008. I hope the first million is the hardest. It has been mostly fun, but not easy. When I started this blog, I...

My Congressman, Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), knows a lot about the importance of the privacy of medical records, having spent most of his adult life in and out of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Yet Patrick is a hard line Democrat when it comes to government control...

I haven’t paid much attention to the upcoming 2010 Census, until the recent death of part-time Census worker Bill Sparkman, whose death under unclear circumstances is being shamelessly exploited by left-wing blogs. I went to the Census website, and took a look at the questions...

We do not know how or why Bill Sparkman — a part time Census worker — was killed in Kentucky. Let me repeat this, since this is the internet and lower case lettering does not carry any meaning: WE DO NOT KNOW HOW OR WHY...

This story has not received enough play, and has been lost in the shuffle of Obama’s UN and G-20 appearances. The Senate Joint Committee on Taxation is considering the tax aspects of proposed Democratic health care bills. Republican Senator John Ensign has revealed that the...

The supporters of a government-run “public option” are touting a CBS/NY Times poll which purportedly shows that 65% of people support a public option. But examine how the question is framed, and it is clear that the question is intended to elicit a favorable response:...

During the 2008 campaign, there were serious concerns that al-Qaeda would attempt to disrupt the elections in the United States as it had disrupted the elections in Spain. Warnings about the threat of terrorism gave prominent left-wing bloggers an excuse to accuse the McCain campaign...

The efforts by Barack Obama to force NY Gov. David Paterson not to run for election in 2010 have roiled NY politics, and baffled many who wonder why a President felt the need to get involved in state politics. The crushing NY State budget gap...

The saga of Manuel Zelaya should be a teachable moment to the Obama administration. As reported in the Miami Herald, Zelaya’s insanity is seeping out. Zelaya claims he is the victim of radiation and mind control experiments and is being targeted by Israeli mercenaries. This...

I have argued before that the focus on the public option, while necessary, missed the key defect in Democratic health care restructuring plans. The problem is the health care mandate, which by the way, Barack Obama opposed during the campaign. The mandate that every individual...

Barack Obama’s speech to the United Nations today had some positive aspects. He gave lip service to freedom of the individual and political rights. But overall, the speech was more of the same, that whatever the United States has done right, was just making up...

Thank you, Honduras For standing up to the U.S. government’s legally dishonest and morally bankrupt attempt to engineer the return to power of Manuel Zelaya, the Hugo Chavez wannabe. You have exposed the lie (are we allowed to say that word?) that the Obama administration...

The NY Times has been largely silent on the ACORN fiasco until today, with an article titled Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn, Favored Foe. The Times befools itself with the following analysis of why no one previously was able to convince the Obama administration to...

The increasingly hysterical use of the the race card by liberal columnists, bloggers and politicians reflects the last gasps of people who, being unable to win an argument on the merits, seek to end the argument. While the false accusation of racism is not a...

One of the hallmarks of an Obama health care speech is to pick one or two or three anecdotes of people who have had trouble with their insurance company as proof that we need to overhaul the entire insurance industry and health care system. These...