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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Forgive me for forsaking the Tip Line. It's not that I don't read it, I do. I just have neglected promoting items: donb -- Paul Rahe in Obama’s Next Move:  "The name of the game for our President is to force a crisis that will eventuate in...

It's clear who made up Soledad O'Brien's niche audience base at her former employer CNN now that "Left Action" has issued an alert and created a petition to save their number one heroine in the media. Left Action, a "network of 1,000,000 progressive," must not...

Secretary of State John Kerry (go ahead, just try to type those words) is making his first overseas trip since confirmation as a member of the president’s cabinet—and as fourth, dear lord, in the line of succession.  Via Heritage: Secretary of State John Kerry’s first overseas...

In a press conference Monday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago expressed his "100 percent" support for Police Chief Garry McCarthy, who recently referred to law-abiding gun owners as agents of political corruption and has been under attack by the black caucus of aldermen for his inability...

A reader called to my attention the case of Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their children. The Romeikes are devout Christians from Germany who wanted to homeschool their children because of what they perceived as the secularist agenda in German public schools. In the United States, the...

1) Why are they staying away?  Yesterday the New York Times reported Syrian Opposition’s Complaints Shadow Kerry’s First Official Trip: Mr. Kerry and foreign ministers from Europe and the Middle East are scheduled to meet in Rome on Thursday with opponents of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria,...

Spotted at the Wal-Mart on Route 13. Probably lives outside the 10 square miles, in the reality part. ...

Earlier today Prof. Jacobson covered an issue I wanted to get to, Gov’t still controls the sequester pain meter. His argument was: The “unilateral” “across-the-board” sequester cuts seemingly absolve government of any responsibility. Actually, the opposite is true. While some decreases in the growth of government are mandated,...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The "unilateral" "across-the-board" sequester cuts seemingly absolve government of any responsibility. Actually, the opposite is true.  While some decreases in the growth of government are mandated, and government has less flexibility than usual particularly as to the defense budget, government still controls the pain meter. The key...

Mainstream reporters have  spent so many years square pegging round holes—crediting Bill Clinton alone for the boom of the late 90s, blaming Bush alone for the crash of the late 00s, praising Obama’s intelligence, etc.—that they may not even recognize their own nonsense. Take Jim Puzzanghera in...

You know the greatest threat to American education as Media Matters wants it? John Stossel. Libertarian. EVIL KOCH BROS MONEY! RT @mmfa: Who's putting Fox host @johnstossel in our kids' classrooms?— Sissy Willis (@SissyWillis) February 25, 2013 Possibly the greatest threat to the children ever, The Right-Wing...

Intifada: then and now In response to a recent news program in Israel, Col. Jonathan D. Halevi wrote The Palestinian Authority’s Responsibility for the Outbreak of the Second Intifada: Its Own Damning Testimony for the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs. Even now, as Halevi writes: More than...

As Obama signed 23 executive orders to "control gun violence" that impact citizen rights under the Second Amendment, supporters of gun ownership held hundreds of rallies across the country this Saturday (Feb. 23) to protest these rules. The theme for many was "Day of Resistance"; however,...