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Martha Coakley attended a lobbyist fundraiser in Washington, D.C. last night, at which she received bundled donations from dozens of health care lobbyists and Washington insiders. Coakley, when questioned about the fundraiser, said that it originally was planned as a unity event: “We planned an...

This account of Martha Coakley’s reaction to Scott Brown’s rise in the polls paints Coakley as a mostly clueless politician (emphasis mine): On a private conference call with DNC chair Tim Kaine and top Dem donors this afternoon, Dem Senate candidate Martha Coakley acknowledged that...

Rasmussen has released the results of its new polling, and it is a shocker: The Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election has gotten tighter, but the general dynamics remain the same. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney...

A campaign theme of Martha Coakley, including television ads which started running yesterday, attacks Scott Brown for supposedly sponsoring a bill to deny medical care to rape victims. In fact, Brown merely proposed a religious exemption which would exempt those with a religious belief against...

Scott Brown’s Money Bomb yesterday raised over $1.3 million in 24 hours, mostly in small donations. Consistent with his theme that this is the People’s seat, not the Kennedy or Democrats’ seat, Brown sought support from the people who feel shut out of the political...

Tonight at 7 p.m. is a televised debate in the Massachusetts Senate special election. All three candidates will be participating, since Martha Coakley refuses to debate Scott Brown one-on-one, despite calls from the Boston Globe and others. SEIU and other unions are organizing “visibility” for...

This should motivate you. This sort of attitude has motivated me for years. From an erudite “reality-based” pundit at Blue Mass: Let’s just be obvious about this: Scott Brown has absolutely no business being in the same area code as Martha Coakley. Not to be...

In just the latest sign that the Coakley campaign is in trouble, MoveOn.Org has launched an urgent fundraising campaign on her behalf (bold in original): The Republicans are pulling out all the stops in the special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s seat, because if they...

I previously posted that Martha Coakley’s campaign appeared to be overstating its financial strength by hyping its primary fundraising numbers, almost all of which was spent during the primary. Coakley has not released her post-primary fundraising numbers. Coakley has been surprisingly quiet for someone who...

From CQ Politics blog: The Coakley campaign announced in a release that Kennedy’s widow, Vicki, nephew Joe Kennedy, a former Massachusetts congressman, and great nephew Joe Kennedy III will endorse the Democratic nominee tomorrow in an event in Medford, Mass.Interim Senate appointee Paul Kirk, a...

Martha Coakley is the union candidate in the Massachusetts Senate special election against Scott Brown. During the primaries, SEIU spent $214,000 on advertising in support of Coakley, and is expected to throw more money into the race in the final two weeks. SEIU is organizing...

The audacity of Martha Coakley taking a vacation for six days just three weeks before the Massachusetts special Senate election has had me searching for an historical political equivalent. Mike Dukakis riding on the tank? Nah. That imagery showed Dukakis to be someone who cared...

Martha Coakley just returned from six days on vacation in the middle of a special election. Ever since the December 8 primary, Coakley has attempted to portray an air of inevitability, by seeming not to care about Scott Brown’s candidacy, refusing to debate him one-on-one,...

As a follow up to my post the other day, Martha Coakley’s Secret Bank Account, here is a good description of how Coakley maneuvered around campaign finance laws, as reported in Boston Magazine: A candidate can’t use state funds for a federal campaign, but that’s...

Martha Coakley’s campaign is touting the fact that it has raised $5.2 million so far, almost four times as much as Scott Brown, including $1 million in the past six weeks (compared to $700k for Brown). Coakley, however, spent heavily in the primary, and started...

Following up on my post about how Martha Coakley just handed out $1.5 million in grants to community organizations conveniently just a month before the special election, here is another fact showing that Martha Coakley is just more of the same for the Senate. Coakley...

Martha Coakley, Democratic candidate for Senate in Massachusetts, will fit right into the Senate culture in Washington, D.C., as witnessed by her recent award of $1.5 million to community groups in Massachusetts: Attorney General Martha Coakley’s Office has awarded nearly $1.5 million in grants aimed...