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1)  Syria and contiguity Jacques Neria writes in Stalemate in the Syrian Civil War: While Assad has survived so far, he has not been able to quell the rebellion, the economy is in shambles, and so are most of the areas hit by the civil...

Holocaust Memorial Day was commemorated last week. The day occasioned a number of remarkable stories. Orin Kerr wrote about his late father: The death march brought Aronek and his group to a death camp called Rieben in West Prussia. On the way there, they slept on...

My son just earned his Space Exploration Merit Badge in Boy Scouts. So, we were very interested to learn about plans to rope-an-asteroid for closer study: The plan would speed up by four years the existing mission to land astronauts on an asteroid by bringing...

Earlier this week, I noted that the banks in Cyprus will be opening Thursday, once the regular people had time to embrace the levy and understand all the awesome goodness in the new bailout plan. Shockingly, the Cypriots are still not down with the political...

I was reviewing World War I history with my son yesterday. The global-scale conflict started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on June 28, 1914.  This event set in motion a series of diplomatic incidents that led inexorably to...

Cyprus has certainly shaken up the world. Our Congress is now addressing concerns over the European Union demands that a percentage of Cypriot deposits be seized before it bails-out the banks on the Mediterranean island.  There are reports that Cyprus still may seize bank accounts,...

By a vote of 36 against, 0 in favor, with 19 abstentions, Cyprus lawmakers today rejected a provision that would have made a proposed $8.7 billion bailout contingent upon taking 6.75 percent of the value of all bank deposits. European Member of Parliament Daniel Hannan gave...

As part of a financial aid package from the European Union, Cyprus is being asked to confiscate up to 10 percent of bank deposits. Cyprus’ savers bear brunt of unprecedented bailout The euro zone agreed on Saturday to hand Cyprus a bailout worth 10 billion...

The Obama Administration puts up a forest of shiny objects that can make important developments hard to see. While  Obama’s Press Secretary Jay Carney stresses over who-did-what on the cancellation of White House tours, conservative firebrand Tammy Bruce has been sounding the alarm on some...

1) Water, water everywhere At the Times of Israel, editor David Horovitz writes about how Israel’s dealt with its water crisis. (h/t Yaacov Lozowick) “How did we beat the water shortage? Because we said we would. We decided we would,” says Kushnir, a big man...

California made a move yesterday that makes about as much sense as throwing away your telescope to get back at that meteor for hitting Russia. And yet, in California, it’s strictly business as usual (via LA Times): The nation’s biggest public pension fund is taking a...

On the syllabus of my Econ 101 class was Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb.  This being a year or two after the book’s publication, our class discussions weren’t debates about the veracity of the book’s thesis: In the 1970’s the world will undergo famines—hundreds of...

Thomas Jefferson thought that the best insurance against future tyrannies was an educated populace.  Historical ignorance is a petri dish that grows a lot of strange and destructive ideas. To wit: Silvio Berlusconi. Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy’s political left on...