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Scrolling through Doug Ross’ blog, Director Blue, reminded me of a name from the past who seems to have escaped mainstream media scrutiny, much less responsibility, for two of the largest fiascos in our recent history, the intelligence failures which led to 9/11 and the...

Iranian/American dual citizen Kian Tajbakhsh has a Ph.D in Urban Planning from Columbia University. Tajbakhsh was arrested in Iran in early July as part of a crackdown by the Iranian regime on moderates and leaders of the protest movement. Last week, Tajbakhsh and approximately 100...

Week-by-week, world event-by-world event, the public humiliation of Hillary Clinton is taking place right before our eyes. Actually, not before our eyes. Hillary has gone missing. There was a time when United States Secretaries of State were front and center in foreign policy making and...

Want to laugh out loud? Read “Barack Obama, Deficit-Slayer” by Matthew Yglesias: As the economy recovers, tax revenues will rise, social safety net outlays will fall, and stimulus measures will begin to tamp down. If we can assume further growth in 2011, the complete expiry...

You knew this was inevitable. Regardless of what Barack Obama said or did, the Iranian regime would accuse the U.S. of meddling in Iran’s internal affairs: Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of “intolerable” meddling in its internal affairs, alleging for the first time...

Barack Obama has come under criticism not only for his silence for several days, but also his failure to issue more forceful words of support for the protest movement in Iran. Others counter that more forceful words of support would be counter productive, that there...

Election result are in from Lebanon, and the pro-Western “March 14” parties are the big winner: The March 14 alliance clinched around 70 out of 128 seats, maintaining its majority in parliament after defeating the Hizbullah-led alliance in Sunday’s crucial elections. Celebrations broke out in...

On May 20, 2009, John Bolton wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal titled “Get Ready for Another North Korean Nuke Test” in which he noted that the complacency of the Obama administration about North Korea’s nuclear ambitions (and Iran’s) was misplaced: “The curtain...

Bill Roggio, who runs a great website, The Long War Journal, has been reporting for months on the steady increase in the power of the Pakistani Taliban, who are approaching the capital of Islamabad. What is most frightening is that the Taliban also are approaching...

Back in the day, when the alpha male Clinton roamed the White House, the high tech stock bubble grew, and grew, and grew. That bubble began to burst in March 2000, nine months before “W” took office, and caused the S&P; 500 to head almost...

As an early teen, I was fascinated with Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal This Book.” The book, by the 60’s radical Yippie, was a guide to using the capitalist system to destroy the capitalist system. Hoffman gave advice on how to cheat various institutions, such as the...

Harry Reid and Dick Durbin have been adamant that they will not seat Roland Burris unless Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White signs a certificate in the form recommended in Senate Rule 2. Durbin was particularly emphatic that no appointee, ever, has been seated in...

Note: See Related Posts Harry Reid Is Wrong — There Has Been A Senate Appointment Without A Secretary Of State Certification and The Burris-Murkowski Double Standard. —————————————— Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Majority Leader, needlessly has created a potential constitutional crisis over the seating of Roland...