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The thousands of rockets fired from Gaza randomly into Israeli towns and cities over the past several years into Israel have caused casualties and death, but these have been kept down by defensive Israeli actions such as warning sirens and bomb shelters. But the terror of...

It just never stops, as reported by Israel Matzav, as this photo is going viral via Twitter but the child was hurt in an accident several years ago, not killed by Israelis, and for the kicker, it was circulated by a U.N. employee: More on...

A new service from Michelle Malkin and team, which I noticed because they twitched (twitchy-ed / twitchied ?) me today. Scandal at The Washington Post: Fraud, Lobbying & Insider Trading. “If we don’t do better among Latinos, we are not going to be talking about...

One of my big regrets is not making more of a connection with Alan Dershowitz while in law school. I didn’t take any of his classes, but I did have some interaction with him since he was the faculty advisor to the Jewish Law Students Association. ...

Last month, Cornell celebrated a successful bid for a NYC-based tech campus. The win is a big boost for Cornell’s standing and opportunities for undergraduates. Since the announcement, though, I’ve been waiting for thing to “get political.” Frankly, I’m surprised it took so long…. As...

The Pallywood cottage industry of fake or misleading photos meant to demonize Israel never ceases. Last June I addressed this photo then circulating on Facebook purporting to show an Israeli soldier stepping on a Palestinian girl: Via information provided by Israel Matzav, I pointed out that...

Via Israel Matzav, a ballad about the failure of the Oslo Accords which created the Palestinian Authority and transplanted the PLO terrorist infrastructure from Tunisia to the West Bank and Gaza. Hang on to the end of the video, knowing that the call on the secure...

Calling Israel an “Apartheid State” and the barrier built to keep out suicide bombers the “Apartheid Wall” is part of the standard lexicon of the Islamist-Lefist Anti-Israel Coalition. In The New York Times today, Richard Goldstone calls the apartheid terminology a slander, Israel and the...

This California time zone is messing with my head.  I think I’ll walk into the desert, sit with my legs folded and palms raised towards the sky, and watch the sunset. A couple of things I noticed: A long-range rocket already has been fired from...

Via Jerusalem Post:  A would-be Palestinian suicide bomber freed by Israel in the prisoner swap for soldier Gilad Schalit told cheering schoolchildren in the Gaza Strip the day after her release on Wednesday she hoped they would follow her example. “I hope you will walk...

I did not watch Herman Cain on the various news shows, but Memeorandum is relatively quiet, so I assume there were no major gotchas. Definitely get the sense the Occupy protests are getting uglier, not better.  The cream is not rising to the top, it’s...

In many ways, it’s worse than I originally thought, now that the names officially have been released. In addition to the planners of the Sbarro Pizza bombing, about which I blogged earlier, the releasees include the planners of many other high profile bombings, terrorist attacks...

An Israeli soldier who has been in prison in Gaza for 5 years without so much as a visit by the Red Cross. Apparently a deal has been reached for his release. The terms are not yet known, but the Israeli cabinet is voting on it...

There is one worthwhile clause in an otherwise worthless article at The Atlantic by Steve Clemons, Obama Tells Palestinians to Stay in the Back of the Bus. Clemons lays out the fiction that the Palestinian strategic move to take land without peace is something Gandhi-like: Obama’s position on this is...

Carl at Israel Matzav has given Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, the nickame “Abu Bluff.” The trip by Abbas to the U.N. this week ostensibly to obtain recognition of a Palestinian state is another bluff.  Abbas doesn’t even have the support of his own people, as Hamas which...

Turkish Prime Minsister Erdogan’s agitation show no signs of letting up. He’s back to threats of military confrontation with Israel: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Israel could not do whatever it wanted in the eastern Mediterranean and that Turkish warships could be...

What is going on in Egypt was all foreseeable to those of us who did not harbor the romantic view of the Arab Spring, which in many places was just a venting of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel which had been suppressed by dictatorial rulers.  Just ask Lara...