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Mitch McConnell is going there in his campaign. The IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups is a potent issue and we can't let people forget it in November 2014. This video reminds me of the Remember November videos from 2010. ...

Via Times of Israel: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out Tuesday against what he described as a rising trend of anti-Semitism around the world, calling for an international effort to combat the phenomenon. Addressing delegates in Jerusalem for the Foreign Ministry’s fourth annual anti-Semitism conference, Netanyahu launched...

Mixed feelings. She was right on many issues, and attracted all the right enemies. But her primary performance was disappointing, to put it mildly. No need to rehash all that now. I wish her well. ...

Long saga of Jeremy Hammond, self-described anarchist, comes to an end. Jeremy Hammond, a notorious hacker and anarchist from the Chicago area, pleaded guilty this morning to hacking charges in a New York courtroom under the terms of a plea agreement. Hammond was initially charged in March 2012...

Via The Hill: House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) has subpoenaed State  Department documents related to the Benghazi talking points, according to a letter  sent to Secretary of State John Kerry obtained by The Hill. In the letter, Issa states that the department's  release of 100...

Mahmoud Abbas made a superficial rejection of kidnapping Israeli soldiers as part of the Palestinian political culture at the World Economic Forum. It was, as Israel Matzav points out, as much a thinly-veiled threat as a rejection of the tactic, via Times of Israel (emphasis added): Abbas categorically rejected the...

Update -- see post-hearing analysis at bottom of post. -------------------- At a hearing today, the Judge in the George Zimmerman case granted the prosecution's motion to exclude all mention of Trayvon Martin's social media use, including images and text relating to fighting and marijuana use. We mentioned some of this evidence in our prior post. The Judge's ruling addressed Opening Statements and jury selection, and leaves open the possibility that if the prosecution somehow opens the door to the evidence, it could come in at trial, but for now, it's out. In a bombshell revelation, Zimmerman's attorney asserted for the first time that Martin videotaped friends beating up a homeless man. I didn't hear that part of the court hearing, but here is what an Orlando Sentinel reporter tweeted: [UPDATE -- Zimmerman's attorney retracted the statement above:
During the Tuesday, May 28th hearing, Mr. O'Mara misstated the nature of video from Trayvon Martin's cell phone which was included in the Defendant's 3rd Supplemental Discovery. He stated that the video showed "two buddies of his beating up a homeless guy," when what happened was Trayvon Martin, along with a buddy, was videotaping two homeless guys fighting each other over a bike. Though it was unintentional, it is a particular concern to us because we are and have been committed to disputing misinformation in every aspect of this case, not causing it. For that, Mr. O’Mara apologizes.
] Here are live tweets of other rulings from Orlando Sentinel reporters:

A Better Place, the Israeli electric car company, filed for bankruptcy after burning through over $800 million. Unlike other electrical vehicle makers, A Better Place was based on a concept of battery swapping instead of charging stations. The first obvious sign of trouble was when CEO Shai...

It's important that we are everywhere, even if Jersey City and even if only a small group. From Rob: Dear Prof. Jacobson: I hope that all goes well. Our protest at the Jersey City, NJ IRS HQ had a pretty modest turnout, and none of us brought signs,...

The EU's arms embargo on the Syrian conflict -- which effectively meant an arms embargo on the rebels -- expired tonight after there was no agreement reached to extend it. This means that arms can be sent to rebels, although it's unclear if that will happen...

Are bloggers entitled to constitutional protection, Dick Durbin wonders out loud. I have a better question, are Senators entitled to anything? ...