Mitch McConnell is going there in his campaign.
The IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups is a potent issue and we can’t let people forget it in November 2014.
This video reminds me of the Remember November videos from 2010.
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The GOP Establishment will bring up the Tea Party when tey need votes. They use them.
McConnell won’t block immigration bill from hitting Senate floor
The Hill ^ | 05/21/13 | Alexander Bolton
McConnell praised the work of Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and other members of the Gang of Eight, who crafted the comprehensive legislation during months of private negotiations.
McConnell’s ad is right on.. good theme. Too long of course and all, but good tone. I’d like to see McConnell break with McCain and Graham and empower Cruz and Paul. Then I’ll be truly impressed with him.
As with children and dogs, you train pols with praise as well as punishment.
You pat them on the head when they do right.
Good ad. McConnell can be a squish on a number of issues, but freedom of speech is something near and dear to him. I hope other Republican campaigns pick up on this same theme and carry it though to November, 2014.
I j Jed the video and immediately received a phone call from the IRS.
Ok, maybe that didn’t happen that way. But I’m sitting here in korea, watching CNN (only English channel for the hotel), and chuckling at the commentators having a dizzy.
Mitch McConnell is more of an enemy than any democrat. He deserves no praise.
I hit the “thumb down” when I meant to hit “reply”. Sorry. I agree. They act as though they’re on our side by saying what we want to hear, but then they do the opposite. I agree with Cruz; I don’t trust them either.
[…] Via Legal Insurrection. […]
Not to defend the doofus who said “the law is irrelevant,” but I’ll be fair: He was stumbling around trying to express a thought, and in full context that line sounded like a clumsy and unfortunate way of saying (or beginning to say): whatever the law says, the action was wrong in any case; i.e. even if it’s legal, it’s not right.
(By the same token, when Todd Aiken used the unfortunate phrase “legitimate rape,” he obviously didn’t mean it’s sometimes okay to commit rape. At least it was obvious to anyone with any sense of context.)
Tea Party up 14 points in polls since IRS scandal per Rasmussen. This is why the GOP didn’t hold hearings before the election. They knew Tea Party ratings would soar, more TP candidates would’ve won, and maybe even Romney. The GOP didn’t want Romney to win. They wanted Obama. The GOP needs democrats to be in charge to help them silence the grassroots. I think Richard Mourdock would’ve won easily if this had happened last year. Maybe Mia Love too. The GOP didn’t want that, all they cared about was vengeance for Lugar. This is why Mitch McConnell shouldn’t be praised. For myself, I consider him a mortal enemy. An enemy within is worse to fear.
5/24/13, “Favorable Views of Tea Party Up 14 Points Since January,” Rasmussen Reports
“Favorables for the Tea Party have jumped since news broke that the Internal Revenue Service was targeting the grassroots movement and other conservative groups.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party. That’s up 14 points from January….The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on May 21-22, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports.”